Changing of the Guard

God said:

In the extant world, you may feel that you cannot rely on Me because I do not always seem to be at your beck and call. I do not always play the part you would like Me to play. At the same time, I am your Creator and I embark on your voyage of life right with you. Beloveds, you are also your Creator. You pick out the clothes you will wear. You pick out how you walk, how you speak, how you hum and sing.

Here’s the thing: Reproach no one. Reproach not Me, not yourself, the self you see as you, the personality of you, for the life of you is different from your life that you perceive. You may see yourself as a person denied, thwarted, not heard, not even speaking up. It is you who carries the placard of yourself, yet the placard you carry is not yourself. You are so much more than the individual who parries in life and finds fault with yourself, with Me, with just about everything.

Beloveds, all responsibility for yourself is not to be foisted on Me. The buck remains with you. This is your life, and you are to live it. You are not entirely a creature of circumstance. Start to think of yourself as a creature of decision, vision, and enterprise. If you are the cook, and you cook a soup you don’t favor, make a different soup. You have all the ingredients to choose from. You can make a broth. You can make a cream soup. Oh, the varieties of soup you can make. Make the one you want. Make the life you want. You are your own Maker. You are your own fortune. Make it a good one.

You are not hapless in life. You bring the life you bring to you. When you feel helpless, you have accepted helplessness as your motto. Accept another motto. Choose powerfulness, not over another, but over yourself and the progression of your life. Whatever your life may have been in your terms, as you see it, you can remodel and refurbish it. You are not stuck with the doldrums unless you say so.

This is the case with illness and so forth. That is hard to believe. It is hard to believe because you have accepted helplessness.

Even in illness, you can give yourself mercy, and you can be helpful in the life you have on Earth for as long as you have it.

In world life, you are far greater than a clown who has pie thrown at his face. You are also greater than someone in the audience who throws the pie.

Do not think, not even for a moment, that I throw pies at you. Life is assembled. Certainly, there seem to be matters out of your jurisdiction, yet, beloveds, you are the jury of the matters, and your take on them matters. The Heart of God within you matters. Courage and honor matter. Life matters, and love matters, in more ways than you think.

You are not a pawn of life unless you say so, unless you concur, agree, accept it as the status quo. There is no status quo. Life changes a mile a minute. You may see changes in life as the changing of the guard, and you are fearful of the moment the guard changes, as if you are left unprotected.

You are under My protection, and yet that does not mean that all of your life is under My Will, as you understand My Will. Your life is also under your will and the picture of your life that you have designed and are designing right now.

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Changing Guard

I love this metapher about the changing guard . There comes nice easygoing march-music with it and blue and yellow-coloured guardiance are marching up. It is not fearful at all when life changes "a mile a minute". Just be aware.





This is great information.

This is great information. God says, "your life is different from your life that you perceive."

Thanks for the reminder, God. The truth is our lives are PERFECT, and WE are perfect also.

The world is perfect, and the negativity we see is an ILLUSION.

As long as we BELIEVE that APPEARANCES are the truth, we will not see ULTIMATE REALITY.

What is the illusion?

Hello David & anyone who would like to answer this question

...interesting comment...I am interested if you have truly internalized what you have I find it so difficult to do so. I read in many places that the negativity we see is an illusion...that we must thank the 'teachers' around us wh provide challenges for us to overcome...but really in the end I have not internalized this...adn do see those negative experiences as very real....and in so many casesdestructive to many people all over the world....I try to uplift myself from the negative by internalizing and projecting love...which come easy for me as I practice as a nurse and am faced with negative experiences every day...I have been able to support the healing process...physically and spiritually for many people in this regard, by empathizing for these people and not getting deeply entrenched in the negative...but I feel that these negative experiences are truly I am confused by this statement 'As long as we BELIEVE that APPEARANCES are the truth, we will not see ULTIMATE REALITY.'

Can anyone explain this? David? Normand? Charles? Gloria? Uta?

Hi dear Heather! No I cannot

Hi dear Heather! No I cannot explain what David says, because I am not so shure, if I do it right. But I wan to let you know, that you have my full respect about your daily life! You have to care and projecting love for people that realy need help instantly. Please don't forget to nurse yourself!
As I see it, you are doing very well on your turn/way to experience the ultimate reality. As God says in this HL
The Heart of God within you matters. Courage and honor matter. Life matters, and love matters, in more ways than you think.
Did you read the HL of today? This is a great one for me. And as I see it, it also is giving an answer to your question about the ultimate reality.
Much love to you!! Take care! Uta

Thanks Uta :)

Thank you Uta for taking the time to answer my well as the nice things you have said...I will re read the heavenletter now...Heather

Heather, we all feel your pain

We are all mired in the same negativity; it is a natural part of life on earth. As this letter says, though, it is also all just an illusion. But to say it is all an illusion does not mean that when we cut ourselves, we do not really bleed, and if we bleed long enough our mortal form will not collapse and die. Consider this: isn’t what truly matters in life the way we feel and react to what happens to us and around us? The illusion this letter refers to resides within us and comes from our perceptions and our conclusions about what is happening.

There are many parts to the illusion we find ourselves in. One part is that we naturally project our reaction to the events of our lives out to the events themselves and are usually blind to our role in determining how we experience them. Another important part is how we often choose to ignore our role in creating the events and circumstances that make up our lives. (If you are having trouble accepting this, consider the many decisions you have made in your life about your career, marriage, and children, and even whether you opened a newspaper today and what part of it you read.)

If we can accept our roles in the illusion, we can begin to see the perfection of the process we are taking part in. The negativity can be seen as a wonderful part of an amazing plan. What we experience in our lives is a direct result of the deepest assumptions and core beliefs about life that we have held to be true. We directly experience what we create guided by these beliefs. Unwanted experiences are powerful signs of error in our creations. It may not be easy, but if we do not like what we are experiencing, we can look to what we are creating and how we are creating it.

Here are some questions that I came up with while writing this that may point towards a few of these core creative beliefs. Is our death to be viewed as a horrible thing to be avoided at all costs, or as merely another step that will help us along a path of continual growth? When we lose a loved one, are they lost to us forever, or will we share our lives with them again, at some point we cannot yet see? Is our suffering a sign of more of the same on its way to us, perhaps even worse, or is it just a temporary bump on the road, put there by us to help guide ourselves more efficiently on our way? Are we the victims of random accidents and the evil intent of others, or are we actually powerful creators that have been using our enormous power unconsciously, and is so doing, sometimes bringing torment into our lives?

Love, peace and joy to all,


isn’t what truly matters in life the way we feel

HI, it's me again.... Dear Chuck you are amazing to me. Let me send you a bunch of flowers.
You make it so clear, I understand your explanation very well and as far as I am able to catch it with my insight of my life you speak the truth. Life holds a mirror in front of us in many ways. What we experience is what we create. But me is not only me. We are also a unit. And I am just not shure, if I am committed to the negativity of the rest of the community. Is it all up to me or am I also sometimes a victim of the unconsiousness of the rest of the community? I am looking forward if there is an answer to me.
Love, peace and joy to you!

Uta, dear,

You are amazing to me, too. Your words are so helpful and accepting. All the comments to these letters are amazing. When I think it would be impossible to add to their insights, the comments somehow do.

You ask a very complex question when you ask about us creating as a unit. It ties my limited understanding into knots. All I can say is that we can choose to see things from a variety of perspectives, if we try. From our individual viewpoint, we only create for ourselves and we reap what we sow. Then there is a community perspective where we uplift all with our positive efforts and pull us all down with each of our negative intents. Perhaps there is also a sort of ultimate perspective where nothing is ever truly negative, except as we judge it so, and thereby mislead ourselves. It may be that from this perspective, it is all divinity exploring all possibilities in its growth and expansion.

The matrix of Life!!

Hello Chuck

I think Uta has said it all...I will just add that I am going to pay more attention to my daily life....both the positive and the well as the role I play in them...Very recently I slow myself down on the way to work to feel being part of the Matrix of Life...and this has centred me more and I think I will more easily internalize the concepts...

Thanks so much....Heather

I love your idea, Heather,

When we slow ourselves down, we begin to distance ourselves from the hustle and bustle of the physical world along with all its habitual anxieties. I recommend a further step of finding some quiet time alone to completely shut out not only the outer world, but also our thinking mind, allowing the silent voice of our soul.

Thank you, Heather, for your wonderful questions, and sharing your open heart,


Thanks for your reply Chuck!


Heather, I'm in the same

Heather, I'm in the same boat with you, dear one. I'm not there yet where we're meant to be. However, this is the direction we're going in, full speed ahead! There is something wonderful of itself that we're on our way to where we want to be.

Good to know...

Hello Gloria

Good to know I am not alone in this.....not sure why the print suddenly went red...oh well :)


"Unto love you give, and your heart is sweet."

Beloved Theophil, this is

Beloved Theophil, this is very beautiful. It seems to me that this says it all. This is so simple and complete.

Ah, this quotation you give us is from Overture of Love