Change Your Story

God said:

On Earth, when you feel a heavy load on your shoulders, it is hard to think of anything else. Your shoulders are weary from carrying what you carry. You feel all the aches and pains, and you see no end to them.

Someone could say to you: “Put down the heavy load you carry.” And you don’t see how, for the load is on your shoulders. You may say: “Who is going to carry it for me? My life is burdensome. My responsibilities. My life is a burden. I see no way out.” And so you keep yourself on a dead-end street.

You are the one who says there is no way out, and you stick to your story. You hold on to what you see as a burden rather than change your story. You may want to prove yourself right, and so you keep on the sack-cloth you wear.

You are right in this: No one is going to remove your difficulties from you. No one has to. No one is supposed to. You are supposed to make the difference. You.

Whatever the difficulties you carry, no matter how heavy, how deep, there is one common denominator, and you won’t like it.

I do not say the difficulties are not there. I say you are holding on to them too tight. You may hold on to them for dear life, as though if you did not have them, if you were not singled out for this suffering, you would be without complaint and what would be the theme of your life then? You might be bereft without your cross to bear. You have held it to you as your destiny for so long. You keep lying under it to feel crushed by it.

Let’s understand from the beginning. I do not dismiss the difficulty of your situation. I say you are holding on to it. No longer extol the exigencies of the situation you find yourself in. Your troubles are not a blue ribbon or medal that you wear. They will not go away with a snap of your finger. No one is going to take them away from you. If they are your problems, they are your problems, and they are yours to change your perception of. Change your perception, and you will change the configuration of the difficulties.

Look not for fault in any other. Put the shoe on the other foot.

Whatever your situation is, the common denominator is the same. You see it one way, and you are unable to see it another way.

It is likely that you blame. You blame others. You blame fate. You blame Me. When you blame, you are feeling hostile, and you blame your hostility on the circumstances. That keeps you right where you started. Blame gets you nowhere. You go around in circles. When you go around in circles, you don’t see clearly. No matter how justified, your anger belongs to you. And anger is short-sighted. Of course, it is. See further. See around the corner. See change.

When a problem seems insurmountable, you see no options but for someone or something to rescue you. Or for you to leave. Or for someone else to leave. Or, or, or. You leave out many other possibilities. Of course, you do, or you would have changed your situation internally long ago.

I do not say that to leave or to stay is right or wrong. I say that I do not want you or any other to suffer. And yet, often, your compassion is for yourself, and you have none for what you may see as the scourge of your existence.

Find compassion for the other. Be merciful.

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Change the story by shifting the purpose

Most of our negative perceptions of different aspects of life (work, illness, relationships, thoughts, etc) are the results of programmed instructions. In a computer, a program is a set of coded instructions that enables the computer to perform a desired sequence of operations. But the set of coded instructions is meaningless without a purpose, which resides in the programmer's mind.

The ego is the master programmer of our (mis)perceptions and actions through our personal mind. And as a master programmer, it has a purpose and only one: to weaken the mind. Since almost the totality of our seeming burdens come from the fact that we are in a body (physical, emotional, psychological, metaphysical), it is through the body that the ego exercises its power to separate (even attack) the mind from the body and that is where the ego's program executes itself through our body (brain, hormones etc.)

Our body, through the ego's running software, then tends to be the mirror of a split mind which induces sadness and illnesses of all kinds. Illness is the result of split purposes, because it is the opposite of wholeness.

If we want to change the program, in this case, we should think about changing the programmer. Because we have to change the "meaning" or the purpose of the program. This purpose or meaning is to see further, to relinquish all attempts to use ego's software, because it is totally unreliable and it crashes often.

The only purpose comes from God because God is the only Unified Purpose and Meaning and the only One. Our programming task then consists solely to fill God's requirements for Real Purpose and Meaning, which are His and Ours by Inheritance.

Change your perception

A fly is buzzing up and down my window pane, up and down, up and down. Plop. After a little rest, it resumes its attempt to follow its instinct toward the light, buzzing up and down, up and down. It can go on for hours. Some die. This one, following some unidentified impulse, suddenly renounces the light, heading into the relative dark of my room, flying some arabesques and then out the wide open veranda door.

We, on the other hand, are free to choose a sensible course of action, aren't we? We don't have to depend on dumb luck, do we? Well, all I know is that wrong conclusions, made too long ago or at too young an age to even be remembered, can develop into quasi-instinctual blocks. You really don't know why you do whatever it is you are doing, you only know you have to do it. There is not even a way to question it, it's so obvious that you have to do what you are doing. I mean, do you ask the open sky to be other than blue?

That's how obvious the most impractical and nonsensical things can appear to us. And that's when we have to just go on a little more and then to die like a fly whose buzzing power is spent; or when some little opening inside allows God to slip us a message. This is where, to my mind, choice begins. In most other case, according to what I see in myself and around me, freedom of choice appears to be a rather theoretical construct since it would necessitate some awareness of alternatives which simply isn't present in so many cases.

I would like to add that, even when we become Heavenreaders or something similar, God's wisperings still don't necessarily make it into our heads and hearts. As always, I can only speak for myself, of course, and I know that what is called the common denominator in this Heavenletter has remained virtually invisible to me for years. How much more compassionate we need to become toward ourselves and everyone! How cautious in making suggestions or propagating procedures and solutions.

Funny thing is that only yesterday I commented on "my cross" somewhere else. Here, God says that I won't like what He is going to say about the common denominator, and it's true, I still don't like it:

I do not say the difficulties are not there. I say you are holding on to them too tight. You may hold on to them for dear life, as though if you did not have them, if you were not singled out for this suffering, you would be without complaint and what would be the theme of your life then? You might be bereft without your cross to bear. You have held it to you as your destiny for so long. You keep lying under it to feel crushed by it.

The description is accurate, even the irony is okay. I'm still not comfortable with it. But after that little hitch, when you start having some awareness of what you are believing and doing, the only sensible course of action is to No longer extol the exigencies of the situation you find yourself in. Now you even have a chance to change your perception. A chance you did not have while buzzing up and down your window pane.

You guys, both of you, such

You guys, both of you, such writing, such brilliance, such humanity.

The fly analogy!

I think of a woman in labor. She has been in labor a while. It must be she is ready to deliver the baby. The doctor, however, says: "You are only 2 dilated." In order to deliver she has to be dilated 10. At least she can know that the process has started. She is dilating.

And so we go about the process of delivering ourselves. How much longer can it take? Well, I suppose the answer is: As long as it takes. The process is in motion.

Got it, mate!

Got it, mate!

Jochen, I just love this

Jochen, I just love this buzzing feeling. Brilliant!
As different as we seem to be, we just stretch the rubber band to the maximum.

in December

These german flies are so strong, I suspect she was taking some gymn exercise at the window pane, up...down...up...down.

Okay, I made it up. They

Okay, I made it up. They aren't that strong. On a December day, they would probably just sit there, breathing on their hands to warm them a little. But it's really amazing how fast all those little creatures come out again on an untypically warm day like this Wednesday when I was in the mountains with my wife. It had really been cold recently with lots of snow, but give them a little sun and a warm breeze coming down from the Alps (from Italy, ultimately), and there they are.

a methaphor!

It was a poetic licence, a methaphor. God does the same, I suppose: "see around the corner"...I have been there...there was nothing interesting.

Well, if it is as vividly

Well, if it is as vividly present as it was for me, it's not really a metaphor -- unless you are already phored meta. Corners, yes, corners can be tricky. A question of speed maybe. Poetic licence, driving licence, it all comes down to what feeeels interesting. If nothing is interesting, that's quite an interesting nothing.

vivid imagination

Well, why can you so vividly imagine "indestructible physicalness" only for flies? Let's imagine it for us too, or let's imagine, at least, we are all german flies buzzing eternally around.
As for "corners", I meant I literally peeked around the one in my proximity, very cautiously and repeatedly, before seeing that we are all metaphors of something else.

Now you've lost me with

Now you've lost me with those flies and their passports.

Metaphor could be a nice thing to be. A bridge, a ferry.


I can't help, dear, I am lost too, since long.

George, where are you?

Sweetest George, we haven't read from you since quite a while. Is everything ok?
Just let us know. We miss you.

Big Hugs.

Yes, please, please, let us

Yes, please, please, let us hear from you. And is there anything we can do for you?

To the best of my knowledge

George has been travelling out west. I suspect he has no access to a computer the last few days, but all is well.


Thanks, doctor.

Thanks, doctor.

Dec 10/10 - Put down your burden. Find compassion.

This is a magnificent teaching! Thank you for reminding us to broaden our perception, to "RISE UP OVER" whatever situation we are in, to see the bigger picture. So often we are self-blind and do not see what we have chosen as our ego identity. Thank you for nudging us to look with clearer vision.


Just back from a fantastic holyday. Switch on the computer and nothing happens. That was my burden last Wednesday. Phoned the phone company and was told There was no technition available for 48 hours. What 2 more days for restarting H.L. That was a real burden. so I shrugged my shoulders and thanked Mieke for the wonderful time we had and saw friends and went and walked the dog and gave him some extra treats he did not have for 4 weeks. Finaly her we are back amongst friends Thank you God !!Oh by the way God showed us some beautiful places he made for us and he led us to some beatiful people that really made our holydays Thanks God. So till next time look at the bright things that come along Love you All Jack

Welcome home, Jack!

Welcome home, Jack!