Break Your Fears and Not Your Heart

God said:

You may have become comfortable with wrenching your heart, squeezing it, making your heart break. You may think that heartbreak is the lay of the land. You may think that broken-hearted is the only way to go. So much in life seems to have been taken from you, wrested from you, obliterated from you. There is even word for your suffering in romantic novels and in the world, and the word is drama. You perform in a tragedy.

Must you think this way about your presence in the world I made for you and gave to you?

Is it tragedy that your friends rise to Heaven in the everyday world, and you are left to miss them and want them back with you and find it very hard to get over having been left behind. It is too terrible for you to contemplate ahead of time, and too terrible to mourn after the fact.

It is too terrible for you to consider that everyone on Earth is temporary – a blink of an eye – and then, blip, gone somewhere, never to be seen again on Earth. Indeed, this is a world view. The Truth is different. The Truth is that you will meet your loved ones again by and by. You will be with them fully, and you will recognize them by their light.

If you think your loved ones have disappeared, you are mistaken, for you are a brotherhood and sisterhood that meet in Heaven. Heaven, a state of consciousness, is far beyond your dreams. You come from consciousness, yet is it hard for you to remember the special joy now. You know you had great joy once, yet you can’t quite bring it back into your life now because of the ideas you hold to be true. You mark these ideas as Priorities. The ideas you carry around and adapt to are not always or even often in your best interest.

When you suffer in life, you put yourself behind the eight-ball. You do it. No one else does. Your very own fears do it. You have multiple fears, and you seem to continue to embroider them. You are caught up in fear. You embrace fear. You sit in fear’s lap. You cuddle up to your fears and give yourself over to them. No wonder you weep.

A fear occurs to you, and you add onto the fear. You think of the worst possibilities of how you may become endangered. Spend your time thinking of all the good that can happen. Start believing in and relishing all you desire. Whose side are you on anyway? Fear’s side or the side of Happiness? Which do you choose? Which do you spend the most time on? Beloveds, what do you bank on? What do you premeditate?

You have habits you want to break. Yes, here's a good slogan. Break your fears and not your heart.

Expose your fears. Pluck them out the same way you pluck your eyebrows. Your fears really do not merit the time of day, and, yet, it seems you favor your fears. It could be said that you coddle your fears. I suggest you let your fears dry out. Put them aside. There are other things you can be doing. Build sand castles. Plant day lilies. Get yourself a dog or a cat or any pet you choose. Get your mind off the concept of trouble.

Instead of looking fear in the face so much, look up at the sky. Let My Light wash over you. Wake up to the Sun. Undream your fears. Fears are gnats. You don’t have to be bitten by fear and take fear so to heart. Rise higher. Rise high.

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It’s okay that the past

It’s okay that the past leads to your weeping now. It’s okay. And now you will make new memories, and they too will become precious. Why wait? Let them be precious now. Let the people in your life, big and little, be known as enterers of your heart. Everyone in the world is to have a place in your heart. Make room.

(From Heavenletter #4502)

Dear Adam, you remember

Dear Adam, you remember Heavenletters that I have long forgotten. Ah, God has said this new Heavenletter before.

What are our greatest fears, I wonder. I am thinking it is to be unloved.

Dear Gloria,

I'm sure it's not on a completely conscious level, but being unloved certainly seems to be one of our biggest fears.

Also, I did not remember this heavenletter consciously. I give credit for that to God!

For instance, last night before I went to bed I told God how much I longed to clearly hear him speak to me. This morning through the Heavenletter generator, God pointed me to this..

This is the moment of Truth, when you sit down to hear what I have to say. This applies whether you are the one hearing what I say or reading what is written that I say. You hear or read My love translated into words. There is no distance in between. Distance does not exist. In any case, My words, My thinking, My love enter your cells. Beloveds, We are working on the cellular level.

Thought is not separate from your atoms.

My river runs deep. What I speak to one, I speak to all. I call to all. I call to you.

Only, you are in a trance. You sleepwalk, although you hear faintly, almost imperceptibly My Voice calling to you, whispering to you to wake up, to hear My call to you. “Wake up,” I say. “Hear Me. Open your eyes. Rise from your sleeping state.”

You can stay where you are, and yet, at the same time, you can come Home. You can know where I am and where you are and where our hearts dwell as One.

Isn’t it marvelous that We are One, and you playact as though We were two? Isn’t it marvelous that life is and is not really and that really All That Is is Oneness?

Who writes the story and who reads it? What is the difference? To you, this replication of Me as an individual on Earth, it seems like a world of difference, but there is no world really, is there? There is the Unity of Heart that I know as One and, deep down, that the seeming you knows as One as well.

(excerpts from Heavenletter #4463)

Dear Adam, beautifully

Dear Adam, beautifully chosen. Are you German? Just pondering. Much love, Uta