Birds of Desire

God said:

Beautiful Souls, there is something more to say about desires and their fulfillment. Yes, desire your dreams deeply. The fulfillment of your desires is on its way to you. Fulfillment of your desires rightly belongs to you. This is your birthright, no ifs, ands, or buts.

At the same time as you desire, let go of the necessity for your desires to be fulfilled. Don't push or pull them on their way. You lightly wish them well. You wave them on their way the same easy way the setting sun sets. Don’t be self-conscious or self-centered on your desires.

You have likely read in other places that, as you become enlightened, you are to become desire-less. What this means is that you release your desires in that you have your desires before you, yet you are not attached to them. You don't squeeze them. You embrace, yet you are able to let them out of your sight.

You may wonder how anyone can do this, to desire with all his or her heart, and let the desire fly on its own wings. You don't do it, beloveds. That is just the thing. You allow it. Your desire is something like a caged bird that you love. You free it from its cage. You welcome its freedom, and if the bird comes back, you throw a party for it upon its return.

Unattached to results, you let your Birds of Desire fly as they will. This is also your heartfelt desire, and so you free yourself as well.

The world is not obliged to serve your every wish. You are to be the freer of everyone and everything.

When in the past you resented someone's attitude to you and/or how they treated Life altogether, now you shrug your shoulders and say: "Well, this is Tommy being Tommy," or: "This is Esmeralda, just being Esmeralda." You let go of imposing rules, and so you free others to be as they are.

So, the other side of allowing freedom is the acceptance of Life as it happens to be.

Who would have thought that letting go and acceptance were such partners?

You understand now, that this freeing and acceptance, are not something you perform. Always, you have lived Life by the way you see it. You are doing the same now, only from a higher place. You can only see from where you are. This is nothing new.

You are not attached to even being holy. Perhaps somewhere somehow, this was a decision of yours. It could be, yet you also let the decision go and so free yourself. You free yourself from force, from duty, from obligation, perhaps from having to be what you are not as yet. You free yourself to live Life as it happens to appear.

Beyond allowance and acceptance, you even applaud Life as it reveals itself. From acceptance, from applauding, you find you love Tommy and Esmeralda without trying at all. You find you love their obstinacy. You find you love even everything about them that you used to object to with all your might.

How your stance in the world has changed. This may well have been one of your desires, yet you did not make this change within you happen. The change came to you as a gift. You welcome the change, yet you cannot take credit for it. You are glad. The change in consciousness is something that happened to you, and you thank God for this change. What a proof of growth this is, that you can now let someone be as he happens to be. No longer do you have to improve others, and so you are improved.

How do you like these apples?

Read Comments


Dear Gloria,
This metaphor of "Birds of Desire", for me, resolves the old dilemma of wishing and not depending on the outcome so nicely!! And it's such a beautiful image too ... now that all the birds start their springtime singing around us again, at least here in Middle Europe ... :-) THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Light'n Love, Lisa

The Apples are Delicious

And I AM injoying every bite. :-)

re: Birds of Desire

Exquisite, crunchy ~perfect. ♥..♪♫•*•♥..♪♫•*•¸¸.•♫*•.¸."♥

What delightful engaging

What delightful engaging comments these three above are! Utter joy! Many thanks!

Let someone be.....

Dear God, Dear Gloria.......... Thank you for the message above. It is wonderful.. however... I do have issues with it as there are situations and events in the world about which I CANNOT be indifferent.... and as you say..... just let Tommy and Esmeralda be themselves... . God, pray tell, how can one be indifferent about such matters. Frankly God, I don't really think that YOU YOURSELF ARE INDIFFERENT ABOUT THESE MATTERS. You being Love, I know You are not indifferent God, there are so many heartbreaking decisions in the world that harm are inherently harmful,, how can we possible just be fine with all of this. Frankly, I cannot see it....... With infinite Love.......... I Am

Beloved Imma, man's

Beloved Imma, man's inhumanity to man is not a new thing. I know you are talking about serious matters, dear one. I understand totally what you are saying. You bring up a good point. Thank you.

We are entitled to feel as we feel. Not everyone is going to agree with us, nor must they any more than we must agree with them.

Books have been written about all the problems of the world. All the arguments and infighting and uproar have have not solved all the problems of the world. To the best of my knowledge, wars and laws have not. What the world has been doing has not cured the ills of the world.

God speaks of what we put our attention on. All our attention on the problems of the world haven't solved them. All our good intentions haven't eradicated them. God has made no secret of what He desires in the world. He wants us to love one another and to see as He does see.

The "cure" as I understand God to say is Consciousness. Consciousness isn't raised by argument or force. Ultimately, there isn't a you and a them.

Certainly God doesn't encourage cruelty or thoughtlessness. Just as we do, God desires Peace on Earth, Good Will etc.

I believe beyond a doubt that God wants us to raise our Consciousness. As we do so, everyone's Consciousness grows. Ultimately, the Consciousness of the world is growing now. When we, you and I, are at Peace, the world will rise and everyone in it. God speaks of raising Earth to Heaven.

We do not raise our Consciousness by delving into the problems. It may be that fighting the problems of the world strengthens the problems.

In any case, for the sake of our own Consciousness, we want to go higher.

God has said more than once to stay away from the news. Pretty much the world news is not uplifting. Rather, it pulls us down. The news pretty much is bad news.

Dear Imma, please understand why I removed from you message concrete examples of the ills of the world. This is a guideline for posting. Refrain from posting the details of what pulls us down.

Always, God seems to advise to stay away from the mud.

And to start over each day. As best we can, we let go of the past, for the past holds us back.

God bless you, dear Imma, for your deep caring.

Love, Gloria