Being Love

God said:

Established in being, be. Established in love, love. Being and love are the two steps of your life. As you take a step of love, you are also taking a step of Being. In Being, in actuality, you take no steps. Being just is, and yet We can say for practical purposes that you are made of two steps, Being and Love. Even as Being stays still, We can call it a step. Or We can say that you hop on one foot called Love while We can say that Being is the Road You Travel On or the Porch You Sit In.

You can't be without Being. Impossible. You would not be unless you were Being. Nor can you exist without Love. I speak of the love within you, the love that is at your service any time you call it to you. Love is your faithful servant, yet you may tend to feel that love is like a baseball thrown to you, and you catch it. Catch love in your heart, beloveds. That's where I place My love for you to extend. Be solid with love. Be a juggler of love in that you can always throw the ball of love up and never miss catching it. It is inevitable. It is inevitable that love is, and it is inevitable that you will catch on to love. You have a great right arm for throwing love to the stars, and a great two arms to catch the reflection of your love in an embrace as it bounces its way back to you.

Love and Being are never lost. They are the two constants in the world.

You perk up your ears and say, "How can that be? God, what are You saying? Love is constant? Not in my life. Love, the kind of love I want, has been an intermittent visitor, arriving I know not when, fleeing I also know not when. Love in my life, God, has been fickle, my love as well as others' love. Love constant? Nope, not at all."

Nevertheless, I repeat, Love is a constant. You will grant, won't you, that love can be pulled out or it bursts out seemingly on its own. Where would love burst out from or be pulled out from except from within you where love has been at attention, ready to serve all along.

Love, contrary to how it may seem to you, is not a stranger. It is a loyal soldier eager to be called to the front, not a front of skirmishes, but more like a front porch where love can sit down and enjoy being love.

Love is simple. Love simply enjoys. Love can sit on the front porch and love everyone and everything that goes by, and still love sits on the front porch and just enjoys Being. Yes, love is constant. It just may be that you jump around. In that case, it's you, not love, that plays hide-go-seek.

You may have turned love into a game, Catch Me If You Can. And you have chased love, eager to spot love from another, eager to bask in another's love, until one of you turns your back on it. Love is not intended to be a sometime thing, a fractured thing. Love is meant to be sitting on the front porch and happy to sit there and be love and love all, love for love's sake.

We could say that Being is the front porch where Love sits and rocks. Being and Love, two partners, Being the basis, and love the expression. Who would want to express anything in the world but love?

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Being and Love, two partners

Here it is. The equation of living Life successfully.
If only all Humans have the resources to read this message then Life will be FULL and filled with Love,Joy, Peace and Ease.

No more WARS. No more struggle. No more Misery. No more dependant on anything.

Humans will continue to go about their dailyness and produce their satisfaction from their own work.There will be a transformation of the world as our LIFE is imbued with the panacea of LOVE.The magic drug.The problem eraser.
Imagine, just being (living in your body) and sending out a constant stream of Love Energy.This is exactly what GOD is doing!Nothing less, nothing more!
It takes a very long time to reach this conclusion. Many lifetimes of earth living.
And here GOD is showing us the paradigm of how and teaching us what to do and why it has to be done.The only missing information is telling us about the many computers in our body installed to keep us playing inside the game of LIFE.But with the giving or outpouring of LOVE, an innate blessing, all the computers of our body are kept oiled and tuned, opening and running higher levels of programmes, showing us new vistas, who we really are.

Love to all Hearts.
Love to all Creation


"Let it be..." Love, that is!

Love is simple. Love simply enjoys. Love can sit on the front porch and love everyone and everything that goes by, and still love sits on the front porch and just enjoys Being. Yes, love is constant. It just may be that you jump around. In that case, it's you, not love, that plays hide-go-seek.

I like the garden variety of love that sits on the front porch...and loves whatever comes its way! ha ha. Course love is so much more...but I love this view of love that hangs out on a lazy day and loves with spontaneous abandon! How about you? Jim(i) ps...I love you!