attention on truth

You Are God's Love

God said:

Think of where your attention has been — on the dribs and drabs of life — when all the time your attention could have been on Our togetherness, Our waymaking, Our beauty, Our gifts, Our intelligence.

Your attention has been on little typos of life, omissions, repetitions, and unhappy possibilities.

Now swing your attention to the possibilities of wondrousness. Swing your attention to one possibility, the possibility that We are One, and that together We are greatness in the making. What are you if not in the making?

Heaven and Truth

God said:

You like to think of Me as God in Heaven. Think of Me now as God in Truth. Not that your idea of Heaven is inflated. Not at all. Your idea of Heaven doesn't go high or wide enough. But to My children, Heaven is a faraway place just beyond reach, a future sometime thing, a land of reward you weep for. But Truth is more immediate for you. You know more readily that Truth dwells on earth. You see Truth as more of an essence whereas you see Heaven as a place located elsewhere.

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