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Appreciation for all of you!

Thank you members and visitors for making this site a refreshing font of Love. I appreciate you all so much...for from one perspective, this is not material for the faint of heart...but for the full of heart. And I feel the fullness of all of your hearts! Hearts that are quite eager to know and live the Truth...regardless of how the outer world would respond. Hearts that are so couragious and so be the Love...that so many others still seek in the outer world. Thank yourself for being so willing to Be the Love and Truth that reside within! And I thank every being on this planet for being a living, breathing precious child of God. All of us are truly One with our Father-Mother God. Loving you, Jim and Jimi.

What can I possibly say to

What can I possibly say to respond to the love and wonder of your words, beloved Jim/Jimi.

Dear Jim and Jimi, thank you

Dear Jim and Jimi,

thank you to you dearest Child of God. You shine God's Love and Light in such gentle and beautiful way.

Loving YOU always

Thank you dearest Berit!

Dearest Berit, thank you for this gorgeous yellow bloom that is indicative of so many flowers in my life...

Flowers are the one thing that reflect so perfectly God's Love for us and the planet. Such dazzling colors, magnificent forms and exotic perfumes. Today I found the most amazing white desert bloom in my vegetable garden. I transplanted it to a pot where it is sure to bloom some more. From there I will collect some seed and then plant some more. This year I am having a large vegetable garden and a large wild flower garden. I will share all of them with neighbors and friends and people at the food bank who need food and perhaps some happy-faced flowers to be their friends. This will be so much fun.

And when will the flowers of love in our own heart bloom? Just a little willingness will open the bud! Just a little curiosity and allowing our precious Father to enter our enter our hearts with his tender love. It is actually not so difficult. As we slowly drop our awarenss...from the busy marketplace of the mind...just drop from the mind with all of its knowing and judging and busyness...just drop into the warm tenderness of your own heart. patient and still.

Thank you Berit for eliciting all of these words...all of ths Love. Jim and Jimi.