And There Is God

God said:

There is no top to evolution. You evolve and evolve and evolve. There is no stopping it. There are no happy endings in the sense that there are no endings. There is happiness, and happiness mounts a white charger, and the white charger leaps over mountains, and higher and higher you go until the tallest mountain looks like a little mound from the height you reach.

You are getting a new perspective on everything. Everything is the same, you understand. It is you who changes before your very eyes. You are seeing with new eyes. Now you have wide-angled vision. Now your eyes penetrate the surface and reach the nucleus of life. You have entered atoms. You swim into the makings of the Universe. You are everything you see. Everything is contained in you, and you are contained in everything. Oneness is comfortable, very comfortable, yet you need to get used to it.

Your heart and mind take you everywhere, and everywhere is within you. I am within you, and I am Everything, and so are you too. As you rise to Heaven in this lifetime, you feel it. You may not know how to name what you feel, yet you feel something. You are learning a new balance. You stand tall in the Universe. You are pregnant with the Universe.

Very soon there is no out there. There is only inner. Know that the outer you have seen has really been inward. You are attractive. The world gravitates to you, for you are powerful. You are far more powerful than the outer world, and you begin to see your place in the cosmos, that the cosmos is made up of you and your thoughts and your Being, and My Being which are One and the Same.

This may seem complex to you because you are not used to this. Nevertheless, this new way is simpler than all the confusion you are used to simmering in. Now you are have simplicity. You and I are One. There truly is no one else and nothing else, and yet all these pictures crop up. They dance before your eyes.

Whatever you embrace, it is yourself you embrace. You have projected yourself out there. You are everyone you meet, and everyone you meet is you. And now you meet yourself on new ground. You are the trees and the rustling of leaves. And you are the apples on the trees. You are the still waters I lead you to. You are the depths, and you are the waves. You are the tides, and you are the little ripples on the water as well. You are the green pastures, and you are the lion and the lamb who lie down together. There is nothing you are not, and there is nothing you have not lived.

You saw photographs, and they seemed like the real thing to you. Your mind is a camera, and it takes pictures, black and white and colored pictures, and records sound too.

You are the music composed, and you are the dancing. You are the opera-singer you hear. It is your Voice everywhere. I am your Voice, and you are Mine.

Thoughts are voiced, and you voice them. You entwine the world. You weave it with your thoughts. You embody the world that embodies you.

The world is a photograph of your mind and your heart. Where anyone is, you have been. You may have climbed out, and they are still climbing. Of course, there is no they. It is all you, and nothing but you. There is not even you. There is I.

Read Comments

"Do you accept that your

"Do you accept that your thoughts contribute to the world? If you accept that, then perhaps you can accept that your thoughts already have. You have contributed. Do not cast stones at the state of the world, for you are party to it. Remove the turmoil from your own heart and from your own eye, and then you will cast light on the world. You tend to be amazed at the folly of the world and forget your own." HL 857

I am amazed at myself why I am so eager to comment here, but as God is saying You are getting a new perspective on everything. Everything is the same, you understand. It is you who changes before your very eyes. well, if it is like this, I do not wonder anymore that I am so hungry to be part of the daily flow from HL.

Nirmala opens the Door to SEEING the I AM of me..

Nirmala brings us to a mountain top of knowing what we can't know by showing us what we can't see. Thank you precious mystic.


Beloved Nirmala, please be

Beloved Nirmala, please be eager to post, for all the comments shared here are a blessing. I read all the comments in a row this morning -- I mean the comments before yours and after yours -- and yours. It's enlivening to read all these beautiful comments one after the other. All the comments are like a golden hammer that tap in the heart of God's Heavenletter, and I am strengthened.

But your heart will have had its say

thank you, I wanted to stop, because I felt like an intruder but now you encooouraged me and I find this: "Turn the key in your heart as well and listen to what it says.
And if, sometimes you fear that a gesture of your heart will seem foolish, then, so be it, let it seem foolish. But your heart will have had its say, and the day is saved, and maybe your heart will have visited another heart that sees not foolish but splendor." HL 679

Again I am on, thank you God for this "let it seem foolish"

What a quotation! The name

What a quotation! The name of the Heavenletter, by the way, is The Whisper of Your Heart.

It just occurred to me. When we have ebooks, and a quotation or entire Heavenletter is suggested by someone, maybe we could put the name of the contributor. Of course, I have many already quotations and Heavenletters collected where I didn't keep track of who suggested them. Anyway, this is a thought.

By the way, Nirmala, and everyone else, please get your photo up on your Profile on this forum.

Nirmala, what is your real name, dear one?

Beloved Intruder, Nirmala.

Mirmala intrudes into our consciousness as the fragrance of a lovely flower, speaking its form of life and love into our knowing. You do it so well precious friend.


Gloria says it the way I wished I could say it.

Gloria, your heart summarizes our hearts in so many love filled ways. Thanks for saying what you did about posting.


There is I.


Thank you my Father.


" the cosmos is made up of you and your thoughts..."

This Heaven Letter has God telling us: "The world is a photograph of your mind and your heart." The Heaven Letter continues the mystery by telling us: " Where anyone is, you have been. You may have climbed out, and they are still climbing. Of course, there is no they. It is all you, and nothing but you. There is not even you. There is I."

Don't give up. The human mind has difficulty spanning this kind of heavenly talk but your spirit takes it in and remembers, in some mysterious manner, that you are not the person you think you are but are really a being of eternal LIGHT resting in a human body that just hasn't caught on to who you are. Keep reading and practice being still until you start to know who and what you really have always been. It will happen.


Good, timely advice, George

Thank you.

Chuck: Always fans the flame.

When I say: "You're welcome!" Who am I talking to? Yes, I know.



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