And the Stars Come Out

God said:

Stardom is yours. You belong to the stars. From the beginning of time, from the world’s calculated beginning, you and the stars came out and blinked in wonder. Starlight fell on the Earth, and the light was yours. You traveled on the rays of starlight, and you travel still.

You are far more than an occupant of Earth. You are far more than an occupant of a galaxy or all galaxies or all Universes. You are far more than any imagining. You are far more than you fathom, for you see only aspects of your self. You have glanced away from your Self. You have forgotten the light I bequeathed to you. You have forgotten.

And now you begin to remember. You have inklings. Mostly you don’t quite know how to deal with these inklings so you put them away to palm another time. It would take your breath away if you could accept even an inkling of Who and What you are. An inkling of you longs to be a revelation.

There is no mirror on Earth that can hold your radiance. All the mirrors would crack. It is as if all mirrors are already cracked, for you see not yourself but an infracted image of yourself, a shattered spattering of yourself. And what you do see is a bewildering reflection, a minute reflection not even half-reflected, for you fear you would be blinded if you had a glimpse of yourself beyond the gravity of human life.

The world you see is not the world I see. Which of Us has better eyesight? Can you concede in this? Can you concede that you have closed your eyes to yourself? You are sitting on a diamond mine, and you see broken glass. You are a gold mine of love, and you play patty-cakes with sundry emotions, making a big to-do over them, pretending to yourself that you are this little painting you see in the broken mirror of your heart.

Come out to play with Me. Enough of hide-go-seek. Enough of hide. Cast your eyes.. If you would look at yourself squarely in the eye, you would begin to see the sparkling light that equals the sun’s rays, sparkling light that could outshine the sun’s rays. You would begin to see the light, and you would be nourished by it, and you would cast this marvelous light of Ours everywhere all the time without cease.

It is good to know Who you are. What a contrast there is between your pretended self and your Real Self. Of course, you have it all backwards. What you tend to call Reality, is a mere flash in the pan. The Truth is that you and your brothers and sisters are sparkling light that you see as separate shards of glass. There is a better looking-glass, beloveds, and it is your soul which makes you the Great Light of the Universe.

In this body of yours, you have seen yourself small. Today, now, see yourself differently. Crawling insects exist, yet you are not one of them. You stand erect. Your light reaches to Heaven. You stand tall. You are the Light of Heaven that you look for.

Look within. Find your light within, and then you will light the stars. The stars will look to you. The stars will look to equal your light. You are a traveler of light. This is how you reach everywhere. You ride on rays of light that you presently seek. These rays of light are Who you are. You are not a creature. You are Light. You are My light. You are the Light of the World. Say it. Say: “I am the Light of the World.”

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"You have forgotten the light I bequeathed to you."

Light bearers of the world listen to God say:
"Look within. Find your light within, and then you will light the stars. The stars will look to you. The stars will look to equal your light. You are a traveler of light. This is how you reach everywhere. You ride on rays of light that you presently seek. These rays of light are Who you are. You are not a creature. You are Light. You are My light. You are the Light of the World. Say it. Say: “I am the Light of the World.” No, it isn't easy to BE who you have always been because of world, earth clouds and clods. Give them up, give them away, walk in the LIGHT. That's what you are.


Love like you are

Love like you are breathing.

Come out to play with Me. Enough of hide-go-seek. Enough of hide. Cast your eyes.. If you would look at yourself squarely in the eye, you would begin to see the sparkling light that equals the sun’s rays, sparkling light that could outshine the sun’s rays. You would begin to see the light, and you would be nourished by it, and you would cast this marvelous light of Ours everywhere all the time without cease.

I am beginning to see God. I see the light between the cracks breaking through to my natural state. For Love is the only way I see things in this world. Help me tear away this hard shell so I can begin to feel and see and BE LOVE without cease.

Look within. Find your light within, and then you will light the stars. Look within. Find your light within, and then you will light the stars. The stars will look to you. The stars will look to equal your light. You are a traveler of light. This is how you reach everywhere. You ride on rays of light that you presently seek. These rays of light are Who you are. You are not a creature. You are Light. You are My light. You are the Light of the World. Say it. Say: “I am the Light of the World.”The stars will look to equal your light. You are a traveler of light. This is how you reach everywhere. You ride on rays of light that you presently seek. These rays of light are Who you are. You are not a creature. You are Light. You are My light. You are the Light of the World. Say it. Say: “I am the Light of the World.”

Without you there would be no Sun Moon and Stars, I have seen them respond when I AM glad to BE. I AM thankful for them.
Dear God it is your words that are bringing me home. It is the heavenletters that I feel closer to you. It is your Love that you have for
all that stirs my memories. Your persistant Love never fails, You are always the same everyday every moment. I Love YOU!! You never change. You are my breath my heart and Soul.

Beloved George and Star

Beloved George and Star Gazed, how strong are you in your understanding and your living what God speaks.


Dear God,

Help me release all masks and false identities, every single one of them. I would love for them all to disappear in an instant so that I can stand in my Naked Truth, serving the world from a True place. Strip me into Your Nakedness and keep me Unclothed. I take off my clothes and I reveal True, Naked, Pure Being. There is only Being and I allow myself to completely see it. I open my eyes to The Truth of Me. I release any and all thoughts and ideas that would seemingly hinder me from acknowledging and living The Truth. I surrender to You, dear Self. Thank You God for helping me remember The Truth of Being!