A Vivid Vortex of Love

God said:

Divine is your heart. Let’s face it. You are My divine holy child. You are the Being of My heart. You are true love, although you do not know it yet. Every fiber of your Being is love. And you do not believe this as yet. You are a wanton from your beautiful self.

Humility is not self-depreciating. Humility is realizing from where you come and where you belong. You are not a mere scrap of Me. You are all of Me. Will you come to conceive that? When you can conceive that, how the world will rejoice. How the world will spin and spin and your heart spin and your DNA spin in great rejoicing. This is the day you are to look in My mirror and see your Self. You are My beloved, and beloved you are.

It is said that you need to have faith in Me. Beloveds, it is your Self you are to have faith in. Have faith in My child. That is having faith in Me. That is having faith that I created well when I conceived you.

You have to know that something greater is going on than daily life made of particulars and such. There is a whole grander celebration going on than any daily grind or even great grind on Earth. There is something remarkable going on, and it is you. You are a remarkable creation. You are full-blown. You are not incomplete. You were not a creation that I stopped in the middle of. From Wholeness, you are Wholeness. You are all of Me. You are not a cheap imitation.

When you can believe in yourself, the world will become a vivid vortex of love. The One Sun in the Sky will have met its match. There will be light blazing such as the world has never seen, or, rather, light blazing that the inhabitants of the world have forgotten. You have forgotten what you are the epitome of. You have dimmed your light out of some kind of mistaken appraisal.

Look at the real picture of yourself. It is not lopsided. Your thinking has been lopsided. You have misperceived. I did not mis-conceive. I conceived a beautiful creation with you foremost in it. As soon as I conceived of the idea of you, it was done. I do well, and I did well.

Come back to Truth now. Erase that cartoon picture of yourself. Restart yourself with a master painting of yourself. Am I not a Master Artist? If I am not, who is?

I painted Creation with special oils available to Me, and I applied the oils to you. My picture remains true. You were never otherwise except as you thought. You kept looking at particulars, such as bodies, and you forgot to look at the essential oils and Special Hands from which you came. You investigated finger nails, and forgot greater. You kept your eyes on the details, and you saw flaws. You saw flaws when you could have seen the ultimate of My Great Art.

Woe to you who does not see as I see, for you see fiction, and I see Truth. You see what you boldly call fact, and I see the Truth of you. I know the Truth of you, and you are going to accept the Truth of you. You will no longer be able to deny it.

You are beginning to introduce Your Self to yourself. You are going to say, “Howdy.” You are going to see the Essence of you, and you are going to see the Essence of every individual on Earth. The Essence is Love. You will no longer see all these imaginings that you have held onto as if they were some kind of life vest in the middle of the ocean. You are your own life vest, and you are the Ocean you surround yourself with.

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you are my awarnes of my soul

dear God Heavenley Father,
thank of all your beauteful messeges
thank you come to earth for us to give in
our awarnes of your loveng heart, thank you, you
lets us know who we are to breing of light
of the world,, may be not every-one to be faith in you
i am the dreamer all of your chaildren we are become
the light of God, and one day the earth become in heaven,
and you are my awarnes of my soul,

Read this and grow much higher!

God whispers to us that we are much more than we can think; Listen to what God tells us: "You are beginning to introduce Your Self to yourself. You are going to say, “Howdy.” You are going to see the Essence of you, and you are going to see the Essence of every individual on Earth. The Essence is Love. You will no longer see all these imaginings that you have held onto as if they were some kind of life vest in the middle of the ocean. You are your own life vest, and you are the Ocean you surround yourself with."

Don't go back to sensory feelings. Go with God.



Hi all, back again, had a fantastic time, although I could not get into my email, thus no HL. What God tels us here today must be true, 300 emails in 2 weeks, I must be loved, And Yes I know I am , a marvelous feeling. I also know that I deserve the good feeling, as a child of God. Samson our 5kg little dog went bananas, when we pickked him up. and the same thing happened when our Children came home. LOVE IS GREAT and believe me we all deserve love and beauty. Thank YOU GOD To all of you beautiful people lots of Love Jack

You are your own life vest,

You are your own life vest, and you are the Ocean you surround yourself with.
Humility is to see the Grace of the Divinity in all of us.

Oh, Uta, you made a most

Oh, Uta, you made a most powerful statement.

I believe you. That's humility.

Wonderful Uta. I join Gloria.

Wonderful Uta. I join Gloria.

Thank you Gloria and

Thank you Gloria and Normand!:)
I felt that when I read this Heavenletter...

Thank you SO much!

Thank you God for this particular message on this particular day. I am very ill right now and living in an assisted living facility which is run in a rather slipshod manner... and there are bullies in the administration (not all of them, thank You.) I was feeling like "God please take me home now" until I talked with a friend and then read this Heavenletter. You literally saved the day for me. I took a bath, got dressed, and although they are still bringing the food to my room because I am contagious, I no longer feel lonely or helpless. My friend told me to send love to the person I am most afraid of and think "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you." (There was a fourth statement in there but I can't remember it just now.) So I am trying that and hope that soon I will not have to be afraid of this person. "If God is with me, who can be against me?"

What does it mean?

You are a wanton from your beautiful self.

What does wanton mean, in this context?

Dear Friend, Heavenletters

Dear Friend,

Heavenletters are not thought out. They come from deeper levels where the intellect is not. Deeper than anything else I know, I hear the Voice for God whisper the words. So the Godwriter is like a filter, we could say.

My awareness of the word wanton has always been in wanton woman. A wanton woman is considered promiscuous. During Godwriting, of course, I don't interpret. I write down the words that come.

Now that you ask for an understanding of the word, I take a look at it.

What feels right to me is that wanton means wayward, referring to a woman who is away from her True Self.

So, I guess God means that we are all wanton for we do no yet recognize and accept our True Selves. Does this make sense?

The dictionaries I looked at also define wanton as malicious. I am sure God isn't referring to us as malicious.

You asked a good question. Thank you.

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