A Swan on the Lake of Life

God said:

All the things that happen in life, in the world, no matter how wonderful nor how dire, the importance you give to them is overblown. Pro or con, events in life are not what you are to go by. They are not the helm of your ship. The helm of your ship is much more subtle than the third dimension you appear to live in.

We are speaking of equanimity here. Neither go up nor down according to the world around you. This is what I mean when I say that whatever happens, it is not your concern. What happens in life is merely something that happens. It does not affect the eternal aspects of you, nor should you think it puts you in a different ball park. Whatever occurs, it does not touch your divinity, the same way when clouds rain and sun shines -- you are you regardless. You may prefer the sun, or you may prefer the rain, but, truly, beloveds, what do they have to do with you?

If you pray for rain, and it rains, be glad that it rains and yet know that it rains with or without your desire. If you want the sun to shine, and it shines, be glad then but know your eternal nature. Go to the beach and get a tan, if that is your desire, and know that you are the same on the sands of the beach as you are in your recliner at home or sleeping on a park bench.

What is this in life that is so sought after that you think it is the making of you? Or something unsought that is the unmaking of you?

I made you, beloveds. You are already made in My image. You know that image is not physical. You know that I am made of that which does not change, and I AM forever at your service. I am a Great Servant, and I serve you. I take you your food. I clothe you, yet I involve far more than the physical realm of life. The physical is such a temporary dot while you are always a contemporary of My heart.

Roller coasters go up and down, but you are not a roller coaster. You are more like a swan on the lake of life. You paddle along, and you enjoy the paddling, and you enjoy the water, and you enjoy the scenery. And all who watch also enjoy you. You are never meant to be a hurricane nor any kind of tempest. You are the swan on the lake. You are the soul of My heart, and you are embedded in My heart. Our hearts touch. So close to Me are you – it is a wonder that you ever think you are somewhere else adrift in the world.

My heart is your anchor, beloveds, and you are anchored in My heart which is just where you belong. And yet you have thought you were absent. You are capable of a great deal, but capable of making an exit from My heart? Never. That is an absolute. I am the Absolute, and you are part and parcel of Me.

Now We are getting somewhere. We are getting to the heart of things. You are the love of My life. There, I have said it. If you are that to Me, then inevitably, I am the same for you. We are One and the Same, beloveds. We are Our hearts’ content. Would you have it some other way? Would you like Us to be strangers?

Of course, you have sometimes thought We were separated by a fence or an imaginary line of some kind, but Oneness cannot be separated. Oneness stays Oneness. There is no stranger among Us. There is only One of Us. That you play many parts, does not mean you have departed. You have gone nowhere. Only in your imagined life on Earth do you jump around, and now I tell you that you don’t have to. Simply stay submerged in love, and the world will follow you.

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4 Heavenletter Haikus for

4 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said I tell you
That We are One and the same
Oneness stays Oneness

God said among Us
There is only One of Us
There is no stranger

God said Beloveds
You are the love of My life
That is absolute

God said forever
You are the soul of My heart
Just where you belong

Love, Light and Aloha!

Karen, it is impossible to

Karen, it is impossible to choose which ones of the Haiku poems you make from the day's Heavenletter is my favorite. These are all so good.

Thank you!

Isn't it amazing that each

Isn't it amazing that each day we have a Heavenletter and a haiku from Karen?

Thank you, Karen! I didn't know what your name was but it's been a time I wanted to thank you for your beautiful poems!

Immense Love!


I'm so happy you enjoy the

I'm so happy you enjoy the Heavenletter Haikus Maria!

Everyday I'm totally and pleasantly surprised by the haiku which form out of each Heavenletter. So I too am thankful for receiving and sharing them here in the forum.

Love, Light and Aloha,

Thank You Gloria! God's

Thank You Gloria! God's words are absolutely ONEderful!

This just came to me from

This just came to me from the children's Nursery Rhyme popped into my head so thought i should write it the song that goes"I'm not such an ugly duckling, all feathers all stubby and brown, and i can't remember the rest of the words but the Ugly duckling looks into the pond and sees itself. A swan! I am a swan? Ah go on."I'm not such an Ugly duckling all feathers all stubby and brown

this was from a tape of nursery rhyme songs I wish my memory was a bit better but it really did fit...

I LOVE nursery rhymes. This

I LOVE nursery rhymes. This indeed does fit perfectly, dear Daisy! I'm so glad you reminded me of this.

This heaven letter was like

This heaven letter was like a direct answer to my heart tonight. I have done something very stupid i never planned on doing it just happened that i made a bad choice and i have been fearing the lord was going to be very mad at me and i would lose his love but i may cause a lot of hurt unintentual i wish i could erase but the lord loves me unconditinally. I may make stupid choices but life still goes on i have to be strong and follow the rainbow whiich will help me make it through strong. Thank you good lord i needed this heaven letter tonight. It was a butiful blessing. I am trying to grow and learn a make smart desicions but sometimes i take a wrong turn but the oneness continues and so does the love you share.

Beloved Crystal, God would

Beloved Crystal, God would never ever be mad at you. Not in the least bit. And don't you be kicking yourself, okay? Life is life, and sometimes we really get into it.

God would say: All is well.

God bless you, dear Crystal.

Gloria Angel, how I love you

Gloria Angel, how I love you ! How I love God's love letters!!
I was praying Him to hold me as tight as possible in His divine love, I mean real tight,
and this Heavenletter is perfect timing again! He always knows our hearts !

You are the soul of My heart, and you are embedded in My heart. Our hearts touch.
So close to Me are you

We are getting to the heart of things. You are the love of My life. There, I have said it
If you are that to Me, then inevitably, I am the same for you.
We are One and the Same, beloveds. We are Our hearts’ content.

Simply stay submerged in love, and the world will follow you.

Love and blessings to you dear !!
Love you

Berit, how I love you

Berit, how I love you too!

And you always choose the perfect lines from Heavenletters!

You stole my heart a long time ago, dear.

the swan of my

the swan of my life

love/laugh light and JOY and FUN - Confidence/ Trust and TRUTH

So beautiful this foto, it

So beautiful this foto, it speaks thousands silent words of peace and love.
Wonderful !

taken by Gloria when she was

taken by Gloria
when she was in Germany for the Godwriting workshop
I love it

it shows two swans
and two suns....

love/laugh light and JOY and FUN - Confidence/ Trust and TRUTH

Dearest VeroniKA, I had

Dearest VeroniKA, I had almost forgotten about this photo!

But you remembered!

Gloria could be an amazing

Gloria could be an amazing phototographer! Her eyes see the beauty of God in everyone and everything! Wonderful picture! I suggest that the new book of Heavenletters comes with photos chosen by Gloria!

So glad I rediscovered this

So glad I rediscovered this amazing gem through the Cosmic Heavenletter Generator.

I am left in speachless awe at the beauty and depth of this Love Letter.

Love to all