A Rose Knows Its Rosiness for All Eternity

God said:

There is never a said and done. In the world at large, all is set to change -- on the surface, that is.

Inevitably, regardless of anything else, you are Being. Being is GREAT. You and I are One. We are One Being. We are One Beingness. There is no end to Us, Beloveds.

You know everything surprises you or even astonishes you. You set the menu. This often seems ridiculous because you would recluse yourself, so you think, from all that which comes your way that you may not like one bit, yet you are the one who left the breadcrumbs for Life to follow.

You may be Landed Gentry one moment. The next you are a beggar, or the reverse, or you are so upsy-daisy you seem to live the Life you present to the world, yet, by a long shot, you are far more than your presentation.

You are like a reversible jacket. You can alternate the gold inner lining outside and the brown outer coat inside. The coat is made this way with inner lining and outer surface to be worn at your will. All that occurs and that you appear to be, you designate. You are certain you would not, yet who does if you don’t?

There was a time when adverse was not a thought or consideration in your quiver. You did not think of adversity or trouble or death and so on. It is as if they had not been invented yet. Riding a Merry-Go-Round in Life held no caution for you. Judging was not yet heard of. Now you may well judge to the nth degree.

In Reality, there is no downside. Life is Lively, yet once you did not ascribe tragedy to Life. You did not see foul-play as you tend to see it now. Now, if you play Tiddley Winks with a friend and you lose, you may feel downfallen.

Someone might comment: “You simply play a game,” suggesting that there is no cost or loss to it for you. It’s just a game. You play the game, and all who play are winners. There are no losers. Nothing has really happened anyway.

There is always this and that that are beyond your present-day sightings.

In Reality, you are a Rose in Bloom. You are Essence of Rose. A Rose in Bloom does not see doom. A wilted Rose sees no wilting. It sees itself getting ready for its Rose Self to bloom again another time. What cannot be right with this?

Roses have a different attitude from you. A Rose blesses itself. You are no less than a Rose, only you may think you are.

When you are a Rose in Bloom and someone picks you and puts you in a vase with water, isn’t this a lovely turn of events? Life can only return to more Life. Summer or winter, a Rose takes Life without disturbance. A Rose under snow is still a Rose and takes Joy in being a Rose. A Rose is not disturbed at changes in circumstances.

You are a Rose no matter what, yet human Beings tend to see themselves in good shape or they tend to see themselves in bad shape, as if there is a way that is acceptable to you and a way that is not.

Even if a vandal tore you apart, My Rose of Roses, still you know your closeness to Me. In this case, how even would a musty Rose feel differently from a Blooming Rose?

Human Beings seem to form a union of mistakes regarding surface blemishes when the surface isn’t your Truth at all. A Rose isn’t to see herself scarred, nor does a rose feel scare. What is there to be scared about when you are always Mine, always a Treasure of Mine? Even if My Rose is stepped on, a Rose knows its Rosiness. A Rose knows My Love. A Rose also knows its Love and the Purpose it serves and is glad to.

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Much appreciation

Much appreciation Gloria for posting these wonderful messages from God every day.
Love, Mary Ann

Thank you, dear Mary Ann.

Thank you, dear Mary Ann. You are very much in my thoughts. I am so sorry that I wasn't able to keep up what I started on the blog with you. Not from lack of wanting, dear one. Is time going extra fast for everyone? Is it possible you have any extra time to help out Heavenletters? Like we could share the wealth of work? Write to me, will you?

Do you have my email address? If not, use the Contact Heaven address on the right margin. Do you see it?

A thousand blessings.

Dear Gloria

Yes, Gloria does such a wonderful job with posting every day here ... I do not have time to read everything but I pray and my thoughts are often with you :)

Love and best wishes for you, Gloria

It is dear of you to think

It is dear of you to think of me, Camille.

This overbearingness of time sometimes feels insurmountable. It's not so easy for us to fit in everything that Life seems to have us do. Oh, for a simple Life that would stretch out far and wide before us without so much coming in on us. Heavenletters flow in and out. I must need their blessings more than anyone, for they call to me and I must have them, and more and more like water to drink. More than water to drink -- I have to fight with myself to drink water! Reading Heavenletters have been the surprise and the blessing of my Life. So unexpected and so encompassing and life-changing. I love the name Camille. Thank you for thinking of me, dear one. Love. Gloria