A Remembered Love

God said:

When sadness overtakes you, let it. You do not like farewells. As much as life is made up of greetings, it is also made up of farewells. The past is fleeting, and daily you say goodbye to it. Say goodbye to your attachment.

You mourn the passing of time, beloveds. You mourn many loved ones who flew out of their bodies and left you without their physical presence. As time goes on, more loved ones take their turn to depart the woven world, and you are left with one more sob in your heart.

And yet the weeping is also for those long gone. They may be only a name now and, try as you may, you cannot conjure up more than that and the persistent ache in your heart for them. The world does not contain them anymore. They left your worldly life and now they leave your recollection. That is, you do not know how to see them before you any longer. You do not know how to touch their hand even in thought. Their presence has left your five senses, and you weep for what you perceive as another wave of loss.

You do not know what to say any longer to your loved ones who have seemingly left you behind. They have stayed the same, while you have changed. You fear they would not even recognize you. You were young then, and they were perhaps old, and they have not aged since that last goodbye, while you have since the last time you looked into their eyes and your love and their love met.

And still you mourn their passing. They passed years ago, and still you mourn, and still you yearn for reunion. You mourn the physical, beloveds, and you mourn the course of time, even knowing full well that time is not true. Here is one time when your mind knows better than your heart. Your mind may grasp that there is no death, but for your heart, not yet, not yet. Your heart does not quite accept. It is your heart that wanders right now. Your mind is steadfast while your heart lingers over a remembered love and feels bereft.

Be glad that a loved one lingers in your heart. Be sad, if you must, over that which stirs your heart. Be sad if it gives you happiness to be sad. You would wish to see your long-lost beloveds walk through the door and embrace you, and yet, all the while, they are in your heart, beloved. They never left your heart. And they never left you.

They know better than to mourn. Mourning is bittersweet love, and their love for you is purely sweet. Their concept of past is no longer, and only their love remains. They fill your heart with their love for you. All the love they gave you, all they meant to you, is packed in your heart. Hard to imagine that you would choose mourning any day rather than give up missing them as they once were. And, yet, that’s what you do.

Beloveds, there is nothing to give up but your attachment. Love is one thing, attachment is another. Let all the birds of love free. In actuality, there is no away from your heart. Love freed does not leave your heart vacant. Free all those who have given up their bodies and left the physical world. Free them from containment in your heart, and keep their love.

Would love be mourned? Only if you think love comes and goes with the passage of the body. It isn’t love that bruises your heart. Belief in love’s exit along with the body nips at your heart. It is yet another illusion that your heart is wounded. Let that illusion leave along with the illusion that says the physical must stay or come back.

Love stirs your heart, and it heals your heart of the illusion of separation. There is no parting. There is no goodbye. Love is here, and your loved ones are here loving you. You can dry your tears now.