A Higher Bell Is Ringing

God said:

There is something special going on in the world now, and for some time. You are reversing a trend.

Your heart and mind roam the world. What you speak is heard around the world. What you hear resounds within you and ripples out to be repeated to the one who spoke it and to all others, near or far.

The toil and trouble you read in the newspaper, by your very reading, you promulgate.

Every email you write reaches more than the recipient. It does indeed go out into the airwaves. Even when the air waves are presumed silent, they are heard. Even the deaf can hear.

You are a producer and reproducer of thoughts. The same can be said for love. You increase it, or you don't.

Those who have websites speak louder. Their vibration goes further.

Those who post on websites spread their light further and faster.

Your vote may not be significant, but your thoughts are. Your words are. Your love is.

The something special that I speak of is that there is a higher bell ringing throughout the world. Despite all the nonsense, there is more love resounding, and it is catching on.

You see, where there is love, judgment goes out the window.

You have tremors when you think about the devastation that some rulers in the world have imposed. A part of yourself put simple Human Beings into two lines, one a line that allowed them life, and one a line that put an X across their lives. The two lines are a personification of judgment, beloveds. When you judge, by your thoughts, you put people in one of those two lines. Enough. Make one line, beloveds. You know which line.

In the world, everything is slanted, beloveds. And now you are going to tilt the world up.

Now you know your thoughts played a part in everyone who lived. And now you want an end to cruelty and umbrage. And so now you pluck out the black crows from your heart and turn them into red cardinals of love. From judgment to love. From disdain to love. There is much more room in your heart for love. Dispense with judgment, and you will have made much more room for love to bloom.

If you would really remove negativity from the face of the Earth, then no longer will you publicize it. You replace your "tut-tut" thoughts with caring and loving even about those who have hurt you. You find a way, for no one has hurt you as much as your own thoughts have hurt you, beloveds.

Those who caused pain to you, near or far, personally known to you or not, they have forgotten about you and are no longer causing you pain. You have taken over for them with your own thoughts. With every hurtful thought you have, you open the wounds. It is you who must end the travesty of injustice. It is you who must become the Just. It is you who must remove the traces of judgment from your heart and thoughts. It is you who must make peace with yourself and so add peace to the world.

You do not love war, yet you can love even the people who make war. You must love them, beloveds, because peace depends upon you. If you really love peace, then you have to put your money where your mouth is. You must stop condemning anyone, including yourself. No word of condemnation is to cross your lips again. No tales of wrongdoing are to be told, for, as you tell, you uphold. Tell about cruelty, and you uphold it. Tell about war, and you re-declare it. Remove war from your heart, and you make peace. Declare a truce with yourself. Go into the silence of your heart and smoke the pipe of peace.

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love and jugment

dears readers.....

Where there is love, judgment goes out the window. YESSSSS
we CAN lift up the world!

Dispense judgment, and you will have made much more room for love to bloom.

Know that all you talk and think about gets energy….get supported….by our spritual helpers
All you do matters….
All you do with love in your heart.. you will get more love

When there is no more good or bad…you will feel much lighter and happier!

Love from your equal humane angel Irisbom [at] tiscali [dot] nl

new love

today i have new new love new vision new joy new dreame new world new light for all of us.

of this year of this

of this year of this mons of this day i want to thank giveng you give to us my God, spesialy your Love,
your words like a bread for us, thank you , messeges of this day,
i try my best to concentrate to you and me of day life i have,
today et godt for me because i give de masseges your words from your heaven letter,
de people de dont know about your masseges and i feel godt to do somthing to you and me,
love and ligth,
from denmark

Great Reminder!

This is the very message I'd love for all people practicing to be more spiritual to read. Heck the whole World! I feel as if I'm really being heard when I read this. This too is my message to myself, others, and the World Wide Universe.

This is what should be the first thing read upon entering the field of any print, radio, television and movie media. It's quite simple and that's the beauty of it. I'd love for even once a year that this be on the front page of the newspapers and discussed.

Yet even for us as individuals to adhere and practice this is doing much.

To stop judgment (actually it's the negative judgment, no one seems to mine the good judgments) we bless those people, situations, happenings and experiences we don't care for. That's the quickest method and practice I currently use.

To bless is not to condone that which we negatively judge or don't like to experience, but to help move positive energy on it in order to direct that energy closer to the highest denominator. Thus we can become Master Blessers and bless the bad in order to radiate more good energy out to ourselves and the World.

Heck, while we are at it, let's Bless the good too and enhance, enlarge and sustain it.

I would say that it's not our thoughts that have the most power, but the feeling emotion behind them that propels the creative energy directions of our experience good or bad.

I'd say that sometime in the 1990's a change went from creative visualization techniques to heal and manifest our desire to a newer element. That element was the important ingredient of "feeling" and that is the real manifesting energy we need not so much to control (that sounds to hard, harsh, and military) but instead, direct, guide and encourage.

I do think our vote counts a lot but that it certainly doesn't seem so in the currently political and World climate.

In time we will be able (especially in our own personal lives) to see that when we Bless and Appreciate as our dominant feeling thoughts that we will be able to predict good results to happen and see those eventually manifest even as we temporarily experience ourselves in less than happy situations.

This HL is an important reminder that we create our own reality and that we would be quite wise (and happier as a result) if we took note of this.

I realize that there are plenty of people that are not ready to take this kind of responsibility, but the tide is shifting and like that advent of cell phones it can start slowly and quickly take off and seem perfectly natural and we will wonder how (like cell phones)[laugh] we couldn't live without them.

What joy to read and be reminded of today's HL. Thanks Gloria and all of us who resonate with such a divine, simple sublime message that should be (and will, eventually) be rung around the World. The bell of freedom, the bell of joy, of peace, harmony prosperity, health, love etc.

Comment on Marko's beautiful response

Marko, your words touched all of me. They made me look into places I'd forgoten. I love reading them! thanks

George on the road to spirit

Declare a truce with yourself.

I learned how to do this very thing. I'll try to tell you how I learned it.
I suppose I was three years old, perhaps a few days more. My mother shouted through the door: 'Stop stomping in the mud puddle, you'll get your feet wet You'll get all dirty!" I stopped stomping just long enough to wonder: "What on earth is wrong with getting my feet wet?" They're my feet, and beside getting dirty is lots of fun, I thought in my tiny mind.
Of course I got a little older, grew a little bolder, I was a sturdy 15 when my folks took in a very pretty German girl to live with us. A week went past and she came one night a got in my bed, all uninvited. Well... I stomped in a different kind of mud puddle and my consciousness zoomed heaven knows where! When my mud spattered SELF got to be seventeen I joined the Navy and sort of became a medic. More mud, more slush of a different kind. The kind that makes your mind stand very still and listen. Watching thirty or more of my friends drenched in gasoline and explode in flames brought mud you can't even imagine; it's still on my windshield of memory's wonderments. I can still hear my darling little mother shouting: "Don''t stomp in the mud puddles, you'll get all dirty!" If I could only have listened to LIFE warning me about certain kinds of mud, would it have mattered?.
A long, wonderful marriage didn't seem like a mud puddle of some sort but holding my dying wife sure did! Did it make me dirty? I could have let it get me real dirty but I chose to see it in another way, like a beautiful sun rise just for her to make a good life complete and done.
So a pipe broke under my little house and made a lot of mud to stomp in and make me dirty. I choose to let some one else stomp in that kind of mud while I stay HIGH and dry. But I have to admit that pushing 84 it's still fun playing in God's mud. Sure I get dirty, but HE'S like a Mr. Clean just waiting spray away all the hurt and dirt and slap me on the rear and say: "Keep right on stomping in life's mud Kid, You're too much fun to watch so please don't stop." Don't miss the joy of the mud, beloved.

George all splattered and happy





How can I put in words what your WOW! did to my consciousness? Thanks

George the happier

Think no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Good recipe for life

This writer hit the nail right on the thumb.
The great Source that told us not to mess around that tree of good and evil sure knew about living.
The best things is to love, cuddle and pat most people. Some hide in caves so you have to love them by proxie. But love is good.

George looking for them folks he can love. These days all he can do is look.

My Spirit Messages Agree, Too....

Yes, Thank You, Gloria,

This message is exactly what my spirits guides are teaching me, too. And asking me to send out their-my messages into cyberspace, audio meditations, and soon - a book :)



asking me to send out their-my messages into cyberspace, audio m

I say yes, yes, yes, to you precious Pat.

George hoping to see the stuff

4 Heavenletter Haikus for

4 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said be for love
You are reversing a trend
From judgment to love

God said you make peace
For peace depends upon you
As you uphold it

God said find a way
To go into the silence
Of peace in your heart

God said Beloveds
Remove negativity
And tilt the world up

Love, Light and Aloha!

And tilt the world up

Sweetheart Aloahlight:

Your sweet words tilt the World and all on it. Beautiful

George being tilted


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