A Great Classic, Written by God

God said:

Beloveds, you are detaching from your attachment to yourself in the way the world may have prophesied you. You are letting go. You have climbed a high mountain. Now you will slide down on the other side, which is another way to say you are rising higher. Yes, you can leave a sketch of yourself behind. Your soul is rising.

There was a portrait of yourself once painted, and now your True Soul is rising up out of the portrait like mist. Your soul and the self-portrait you made of yourself were never identical. You are greater than you can imagine. You are greater than the world can imagine. Guide yourself.

Your presumed self-portrait was done in bits and pieces, an add-on here, an add-on there, an attempt at being what the world bows down to. You wanted to be good. You wanted to be right in the eyes if the world, and so you may have disjointed yourself, for what? For the sake of approval from somewhere? For an attempt at being a touched-up photo of yourself, air-brushed, put up on a wall and left hanging there, a false ancestral portrait of you that you hoped revealed you in the best light. It may have been a fine portrait, only it may not have been of you.

The way you truly are is the best snapshot of you.

You may have forsaken yourself. You may have belied yourself. Who needs an artificial self? Where did this idea come from that a semblance of you outdoes the honest-to- goodness-you?

Go forward, yes. Grow, yes. It is natural to grow. You will naturally grow. You don't have to puff up your growing. No one said that you have to be a model world picture. You as yourself -- are wonderful to behold.

Consider that, as you live in the world, you are taking a sea voyage. You are on a voyage of discovery of yourself and not on a voyage to create a mock-up. You are finding yourself rather than predicting yourself or modeling yourself after someone else's idea of what you should look like. I didn't tell you to predict yourself according to others' eyes and to keep changing your outer direction according in order to please world opinion.

It is not for you to follow random directions from a book or a lecture. You have your soul to follow.

Here's the story:

You are to be who you are. You are to be. Seek what is within you to discover. Certainly, the world spread breadcrumbs for you to follow along your way. I tell you to follow your own True Heart instead. You have your own sea legs to discover. You and I are the masters of the ship you sail. You are your own Self-Determiner. 

Have trust in yourself. Find Me within you. This is your assignment: To find the Divine within you. Here you are. This is you.

There is much outside you. Your True Treasure is within. Are you not seeking the Heavens? Imitations are imitations. You are the real thing. Discover for yourself the Truth of Who you are.

Self-Help is Self-Help. There is no authorized representation for rising in the world. Venture forth on the High Seas, and you will appear. You will rise up out of the sea as you are. As you are, you rise. You rise in your Essence and not in an imitation you copy from the world. Believe in the True Gold that you are, for you I spun you on My Spinning Wheel.

Look, you are not to be laissez-faire and to wait for yourself to be discovered by a movie agent. You are not to sit on the couch and wait for a Great Moment to arise. The Great Moment is within you. Inspire yourself. Acknowledge your Self. Rise to your True Nature.

You are not a dime novel. You are a Great Classic written by God. Read yourself. Follow your own insights. You are a Great Soul.

Know who you are.

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a good portrait artist tries to look beneath the surface into the soul....is that not what we feel when we look at a Rembrandt? It can capture where time meets the eternal, the moment it does and record it.
But, as this writing says, we have to even dig deeper. It's not enough to preserve, we have to evolve by digging within. A two dimensional surface is not enough. All of our dimensions have to come forth.
A good and true writing here.

Dear Steve, My

Dear Steve,

My interpretation of "digging" is hard work. Maybe you don't mean that at all. Maybe you mean "going deeper" not by effort but by desire.

I remember, back in the days when I would hear also from other beings, I understood from Christ that "the seeker and the Sought are the same."

It's always interesting to me too how we favor some Heavenletters over others. Remember this Heavenletter, Steve?

How to Read a Heavenletter. I'll come back in a minute with the link.

Thanks for your comments!

Heavenletter #1314 How to

Heavenletter #1314 How to Read a Heavenletter Published June 22, 2004




the heavenletter link doesn't come up for me. pourquoi?

going deeper is yes deeper and digging does sound labor intensive. altho we do have bodies and sometimes working them is good for us. sometimes after hard work one just lets go and without effort good things enter. but yes, going deeper with desire is accurate.

Beloved Steve, you make a

Beloved Steve, you make a good point.

If you dig holes just for the value of the physical exercise, you are getting the exercise you desire.

If you are digging, desirous of getting closer to God, and the digging, or strain is counterproductive, stop. Of course,our connotation of words can get in our way. The way to God isn't hard work. God is already here. We just to uncover him. He has been in front of us -- within us -- all the while.

Steve, be sure to know how much your caring is appreciated.

Have you read the Heavenletter E-Book? It's free here:


Look for where it says:" The Seeker and the Sought are the same." One and the Same.

link and more

hmmmmm.....have trouble on smashspace seeing 'the seeker and the sought are the same.' not sure what i'm missing.

well, yes, as you say, he is in front, within, and around all the time. He is also there in the excercise, without which, our bodies atrophy. I don't think he/we would want that. there is an art to living, the combining of two worlds, that of manifesting, working towards a direction, ie excercising, and that of just being he/I/thou without doing. As I see it that is why life here is unique. okay, my grain of salt. will try to see 444699. any more instructions appreciated. best. s

Hi, Steve. Did the link lead

Hi, Steve. Did the link lead you to the E-Book? Within the E-Book is the quotation referred to. Here it is:


Now I am coming closer to how Heavenletters™ came about.
A friend of mine gave me a framed picture of Jesus. It was said to be the picture of Christ manifested by Sai Baba from a photograph of the Shroud of Turin. I kept that golden picture of Christ on my coffee table.

When I was alone, I would sit by myself and really look into his eyes. His picture would melt me every time, and I would find myself crying. His compassion came forth from his eyes into my heart, and I would cry.

One time, no different from any other time, I was by myself, looking into his eyes, and suddenly Christ came out of the picture into the room and appeared before me. And then, before my eyes, his distinct image became golden light, all aura, and the light swirled before me and filled me.

And then he spoke to me. He said, "Gloria, I have been seeking you for a long time."

I said out loud: "YOU'VE been seeking ME?"

He said, "Yes, I have been seeking you for a long time."

And he went back into the picture.

Then I had a clear insight. I think the insight was given to me, and it wasn't really mine. It was that the seeker and the sought are the same. The seeker and the sought are the same. At the moment, I understood that fully. It had not been said in words, but I understood that this was what I was supposed to know. This was the meaning of what Christ had said to me.

I cried and laughed, and I thought that from then on, whenever I would look at that picture, Christ would appear to me again in gold light, but it never happened again.

I believe Christ did introduce me to God and handed me over to Him.

And I write down God's words, which, of course, He wants shared with all who can receive them.


Steve, this is a sample of the sort of thing we can't make happen -- and why should we? I kinda think that this is also the sort of thing that we can't STOP from happening either. What do we really make happen. I hear that God is the Doer!