A God of Love

God said:

When you feel angry, the anger comes from a sense of powerlessness within you. With a sense of strength, you would not feel powerless, and you would not break out in anger, and perhaps so many occasions for anger would not present themselves. In any case, when you come from strength, you will not be angry.

When you think someone else has power over you, then you feel angry. You can't get your point across, and this frustrates you.

I wonder why you feel you must get your point across. Why must your point be understood? You are the one who has to understand it.

You may hammer your fist down and act so sure that you are right, but you would not do that unless you had a core of belief that your honor or dignity is at stake, and that you have to be taken into account. From that, you strive to prove that you are right. What does a Being of Light have to prove? Nothing at all. All he has to do is to be what he is, and that is a powerful Being of Light.

What problems could be created when you maintain a sense of your own strength? Your own power is your Being. What could the problem be just because someone was rude to you and treated you as though you were inconsequential? When you know you are powerful, you come from a place of power. A place of power is a place of peace. When you know you are a giant, you don't let little Earthlings hold you back. You do not get upset when someone else does not know you are a giant, and, of course, when the other does not know that he is giant as well.

There is not much difference between an accuser and an accused. They both vibrate at a resounding notion of fault. An accuser does not feel any better than the accused. Both feel judgment, and judgment is not comfortable. Personal judgment does not come from power. It too comes from a sense of powerlessness, or you would not spend your time and heart in judging. There is no judgment without accusation. There is no accusation with a thought to winning, even when there is nothing to win but a tiny sense of false power.

When someone faults you, they are somehow feeling they have to defend themselves, and they then project their fear of fault onto you. No matter how right or how wrong someone is, no one defends or attacks except from a sense of weakness. Therefore, they assume a role of power. Their voice is louder. They exert an attempt at control because they feel they have none and are powerless.

When you know the Infinite Power you are, you can relax once and for all. You can take a deep breath and know your containment. In powerfulness, there is life to live and no need to spend it on proving anything. In powerfulness, you don't build a moat around your castle.

Of course, the power I speak of is not power that you exert. Your power is simply your awareness of your own magnificent state of Being and your most intimate connection to Me. We have a bond that cannot be broken. What occasion then is there for strife? Is there something that matters more or anywhere near as much as Our connectedness? And what about your connectedness to all beating hearts in the universe whatever tune their heart beats to? Be the God of Love that I made you.

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