A Ghost from the Past

God said:

Let go of past error. Let go of that which you see as error, and let it be over and done with. If you made a mistake, do not compound it with guilt. Free yourself from guilt. Guilt is not good for you. Guilt is a stamp you put on yourself. With a hot iron, you brand yourself guilty again and again. When you don't have something new to feel guilty about, you find something from an old reservoir to plague yourself with. The one to forgive is yourself. The best is yet to come. Guilt is a self-lashing that deters the good to come.

Guilt is self-recrimination.

Guilt is a ghost from the past.

Let go of guilt as you would take your finger off a burning stove.

Unbind yourself from guilt. It is as if you have tied yourself up with a rope of guilt. Guilt is not atonement. Getting rid of guilt is atonement.

Consider atonement attunement, and attune yourself with Me. What good is guilt to you except to make yourself feel bad?

Guilt is a hanger-on. Send it on its way. Let guilt move up in the world and transform itself into appreciation. Appreciate yourself. You have weathered a lot, and you have come through. Give yourself a medal. Tell yourself, "Well-done."

You have picked out one guilt-ridden thought or two when you could be selecting one hundred blessings you have given to even one human being, and, therefore, to the world. What you give to one, you give to all. You are meant to be one who gives. Give some mercy to yourself.

Would you make Me guilty? What would you make Me guilty of? Why do you make yourself guilty of whatever you make yourself guilty of? No longer be guilty that you are a human being, and that human beings, as viewed in the world, are imperfect. Consider yourself perfect imperfection, then, and move forward in the world.

If you must carry a knapsack of the past with you, then carry a knapsack of courage. We could call courage the opposite of guilt. We could call moving forward the opposite of guilt. The thing is to get up and out from under the shadow of guilt. Better that you bear witness to innocence.

Guilt is guilty of crime. To negate yourself is a crime, and now you will not convict yourself any longer. You will suspend all sentences you have decried against yourself. You will become your friend now and shake hands with yourself. Worse than your offenses, whatever they may be, is your indictment of yourself. Remind yourself that you are My child, and that you are to treat My child right.

Will you not forgive yourself for stepping in a pothole and falling down? What do you think you have to forgive yourself for?

Guilt is no better than anger. Guilt is anger. Guilt is anger deflected. You have substituted guilt for anger, for what is guilt but anger submerged? You are not a hero for being angry with yourself anymore than you are hero for being angry at anyone or anything.

Better to think of yourself as a hero for letting bygones be bygones. Better to let bygones be bygones. If you have caused offense to another, erase it. Do not keep it as an arrow in your quiver.

The most you are guilty of is being foolhardy. No longer be foolhardy. No longer offend yourself even once more. Remove the splinter from your own eye, and you exonerate all.

Guilt is a poison, and guilt is not fit for you. Guilt is not fit for anyone. Dispense with guilt. Dispense from it now. Get up as a new person who has left the past behind where it belongs.

Read Comments

The attraction of guilt

How can I move from the attraction of guilt to the attraction of love? Am I not searching peace? Do I wish to get rid of peace which I invited in and pushed out? Then I must like to produce conflict. Attraction to guilt can only produce fear of love. As fear depends on guilt, love encompasses the end of guilt. And, of course, the end of guilt signifies the end of ego.

If I believe in guilt, it might be because I believe in the body. I must believe that the body has a value to me for what it offers me, which is essentially pleasure under a multiplicity of forms. So the body is the perfect hiding place for guilt. But since the body cannot experience pleasure without also experiencing pain, we could say that the attraction of guilt is also the attraction of pain.

If I perceive guilt, it is because my eyes look for what can suffer. "Guilt is not atonement. Getting rid of guilt is atonement." Paradoxically, it comes to the mind the idea that love is fear from the ego's perspective.

Am I afraid to leave guilt or pain? From time to time, and mostly unconsciously, yes. It is sometimes like if it was a sacrifice to be removed from what can suffer. Pain or guilt is the only "sacrifice" God asks and this He would certainly love to remove, if only we could accept it.

Precious Normand tells us how to get rid of guilt.

Precious Normand. We always feel what we do feel and to deny what we feel takes us to a funny place in the mall of mirrors where we make our selves look different.
I find that to thank God for every feeling, what ever it is, is the only way to take care of that feeling for my own consciousness. But that's the way I feel about it. Let Heaven Letters guide you. Atonement has little to do with imaginary things. Guilt of the imagined things we have to learn how to deal with.


Oh how I needed to read

Oh how I needed to read these words! Thank you so much.

I think we all do, beloved

I think we all do, beloved Jamilah. And many of us were taught that guilt was a virtue, so we added pride to guilt! Come post often!

In line with this

In line with this Heavenletter, which is about letting go of the past, please visit here:


Here is a prime Heavenletter about letting go of the past. It's an MP3. The title of the Heavenletter is God Makes Up a Jingle. If I were naming this Heavenletter now, I would name it Gotta Let Go. The Heavenletter is something of a rap song from God!

I can't just paste the link here, or I would. The link has to be activated by someone who knows how in order for it to work.

With love and blessings,


Gloria helps us look at who's talking inside us.

Gloria, we thank you for being patient with us and helping us learn to listen more carefully to what God is saying to our hearts while we listen with our minds.


If you but loved yourself,

If you but loved yourself, would not the world change?



The question was asked "what would you make Me guilty of?". I would answer: confusing Your children beyond reason. As a parent I teach my children the best I know what the difference is between right and wrong - as just one example. I would NEVER tell them to deny the evidence of their own senses. Otherwise how could they survive? Yet that is what we're told by a supposedly loving Creator. We're told that all the wars, crime and other evils don't exist - even though they're as obvious as anything can be. It makes no sense for a loving Creator to give us a mind with which to reason and senses in which to navigate our environment and then tell us we can only see Heaven if we ignore these glorious abilities and just "have faith" - whatever that means.

For years I have made a simple petition (I believe this originated with Pamela Parnell but I could be mistaken):

"If indeed I am loved by God, might I be given an experience of what that feels like."

Well guess what? I have yet to feel anything but emptiness to that petition. I don't know what that means but the lack of response to a simple request (after all, I am not asking to win the lottery) doesn't do anything to engender faith.

Omei tells of real day by day life problems.

It's hard to read the yellow line telling who wrote so if I misspelled the name I'm sorry.

The message is clear. God always helps us feel what we do feel. God knows that we can't NOT believe what we DO believe. Heaven Letters take us to a place in our consciousness where we can learn who we are in God and receive from Him what He has already put inside us deep and out of sight. Read the Letters from God with love and an open mind to dig that insight out and use it..


To Omni

Dear Omni,

You wrote: "If indeed I am loved by God, might I be given an experience of what that feels like."

Just walk outside and look up at the sky. See the sun. The moon. Look at the trees. The flowers. Look at the Earth. Look at your children. Look at everything around you and see and feel God's love in all of it. Wars. crime, and other evils exist on one level...but that doesn't mean that we aren't loved beyond measure. I've been where you are....and still feel that way too from time to time. Then I think how lucky I am to be alive, and realize that every breath I take is filled with God's love. It's kind of difficult to explain in words, but it you change your thoughts, your experience changes. Life is amazing and there is so much goodness and love in this world that overwhelming.

All the responses to Omni's

All the responses to Omni's comment make me very grateful for his comment and the beautiful responses!

"If you must carry a knapsack of the past..."

We are often encouraged by God through Heaven Letters to "let go" of This or That item that seems to trouble us at the time.
Letting go does not mean forgetting an experience that hurt. I can't let go of watching five of my best friends burn to death during the war. I will never be able to forget catching on fire as I tried to help them or the doctor saying: "When they cool get their dog tags." I'll never forget holding my darling wife in my arms and singing to her as she moved to the Spirit realm. Forgetting can't be done.

Forgetting is never part of letting go. Only when asked about them do I let them enter my thinking. Heaven Letters will show you how you can stop permitting certain thoughts to plague you. Read this Letter often and very prayerfully and you will find the way to FREEDOM.



I have had a Fantastic Live Thank you God for your Help. I learned to love Myself and consequently others at the same time. Guilt is a world word. I did something and enjoyed it, the world think I should feel guilty! Like Heck, I enjoyed, so Thank you God. Why feel guilty about something you did. Ok I make mistakes! Thanks God for that lesson. Simple, why feel guilty about a mistake, If you recognise your mistake thank God for the lesson and never make a mountain out of a moles bump. Love to All and get rid of guild and enjoy life, it is so beautiful. Jack

who is alive without forgetting

Tell me, dear friend, who is alive, without forgetting.

Maybe, forgetting can't be done.
Yet, it is done.
Who remembers his or her pains while coming into the earth? Where is the mother, who does not forget her pains she had while birthing? Where is our remembrance what was the matter yesterday at 11:48? Who did not forget his first collision with a corner of a table while we found our feet?

It is blessed to let do forgetting just what it likes to do - forgetting. No need to justify forgetting or not forgetting. Of course, those things which we don't like to have forgotten, or which we like to have forgotten, we are justifying. Is there something we are justifying which carries no calling with it, to forget it?

Who needs, or which part of us needs justifying - isn't that the question?



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