A Friend Is Someone Who Likes You

God said:

Sometimes My beloved children accept negativity from others. Negativity is not your due. Someone who is negative towards you may, sooner or later, entrap you and snap at you. As much as possible, stay away from people who hold great negativity, for they will bite. They may well give you advice you haven’t ask for, and they may be out to pull you down and even knock you out.
They may see their motive in setting you straight as honorable, yet there is no honor in negativity. You don’t want someone’s negativity pasted onto you. You may try to dodge it, yet when the negativity is hurled at you, you may well react with negativity equal to the force of the negativity thrown. You don’t want the negativity, dear ones. In these cases, stay away from it.  
Someone went out of his or her way to set you straight. They thought they knew better than you, and now you want to set them straight. It is on your mind to set them straight day and night. It is like you are caught up in a negative vortex. Beware of negativity, for negativity can get you. You may desire to reciprocate in kind. Beloveds, you do not want to be equivalent to someone else’s negativity. It is not to anyone’s advantage, certainly not to yours. A friend is someone who likes you. A friend isn’t someone who knows better than you and has to spurn your life.  
A friend is someone who thinks well of you. A friend is someone who wishes you well. Pretty much, a friend doesn’t hold himself high and mighty over you. Make friends who have nothing to prove to you.
Someone who garners negativity and has to convey it may be powerful.  They may have good focus. Do not underestimate negativity. Do not see yourself as a hero who will mollify someone else’s negativity and raise them above it. It seems that, sooner or later, someone who carries great negativity and disbelief in you will let you have it. There is something within them that has to negate you.
If the word negativity is too negative for you, consider the word undermine. They will undermine you. They will overthrow you. You are to have no jurisdiction of your own life before them.
You stuck your neck out for them to cut it. Deep inside, you knew better, and you thought you could bless them. You also thought you knew better than they. Consider blessing yourself. Save yourself from embracing negativity.
And if you ever feel that you have to tell someone off, don’t do it. Save your breath. Animosity tends to breed animosity. Make friends with yourself. Be a good guy to yourself. Be a good guy to another by not allowing their animosity to come near you. You had a feeling, and you knew better, yet you let yourself be drawn in. You thought you would be an instrument for change. Instead, you took a fall. Instead, you put your neck in the guillotine. You had gotten a glimpse of their bitterness, and had ignored it. You know you did. It isn’t that you asked for it, yet your presence was an invitation.
Someone who is negative knows how to single you out and has a need to bring you down to their size, and they do a good job of it. You can tell by what you feel in the aftermath.
To love people does not mean to act in folly. No matter how good you may be and long to be, you look both ways when you cross the street. Furthermore, you don’t naively drive down a one-way street the wrong way.
And so stay away from negativity. Be not compelled to heal anyone. Everyone will find his own way. You are not someone’s guide unless you are hired for the position. You can always love from afar. Don’t go near the fire.

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Dear Sir, I see that also negativity often is misinterpreted by many people in many cases. Negativity has a certain kind of conscious or unconscious aim to push someone or some people down or at least underestimate other people. But Truth or what one sees as Truth has not that kind of aim to push anybody down or underestimate others. But it happens that when someone is telling the Truth or his/her Truth it's hurting someone or some people. That's why it's interpreted as negativity although the speaker in fact loves someone or other people by being as honest as he/she can specially to himself (which is most important). By being too polite and too kind although one sees that he cannot accept certain cases - can be that he doesn't accept general behaviour of billions - is finally not good to those people. Thus it's a kind of lying - at first to oneself and then to others (althoug billions people). When being always polite (and often lying) we might have certain friends but real friends appreciate more the Truth.

A Friend is Someone who Likes Me

A Friend is Someone who Likes Me. Thank you Heaven for saying exactly what I needed to listen to. I Love You Heaven. Thank You Heaven for Living on Our Shared Beloved Planet named Earth. My Heart Lives in Heaven on Earth and I AM Filled with Gratitude, Joy and Appreciation, as well as Laughter. ;-) Happily Me/We Free at last from Negativity.