A Bond between the Mind, Heart, and Body

God said:

Sadness isn’t so bad. Much of the time you don’t even know what you are sad for anymore than you know why it rains one day and is sunny the next. Like rain, sadness comes, and sadness goes. And sadness comes unbidden. Maybe you weren’t even expecting it. You did not want sadness to fall at your feet. You never asked for sadness, and yet it came.

Of course, logically, sadness comes from attachment. Attachment is a funny thing. You want a bond with another and yet not be attached. You want to hold hands, and yet you don’t want to let go, yet you know there is such a thing as letting go, and you know you can’t hold hands forever. You know you have to use your hands to wash dishes and other things.

Is a bond a giving of love then, and is attachment tying the bond tight then? Is attachment needing and love giving?

In any case, whatever breaks the bond, whether in life or by death of the body, it is heavy-duty. You feel left. It is a mystery to you how you can be bonded to another and not be attached? And how can you let go when you don’t want to let go, and you think you will never be ready to let go?

It must be that you consider letting go of attachment as letting go of love, letting go of caring, letting go of meaning. Does loss of a loved one emphasize separation to you, even when you intellectually accept the concept of Oneness? Does the loss of a loved one, regardless of the reason, make you feel that you are less? Was your loved one a wall that you could lean against and that held you up?

And what is crying anyway? It surely is a bond between the mind, heart, and body. That can’t be bad, can it? Certainly, mind, heart, and body are intimately connected. You and a loved one are connected wherever you are or are not. Letting go of attachment does not have to mean letting go of love, yet perhaps you have only known attachment. That could be.

You love to see a loved one arrive, and you do not love to see a loved one go. And yet entrance and exit are part of life. There is no going around it.

Perhaps non-attachment is the ability to say to your loved one: “Farewell. Enjoy your journey. Enjoy your journey whether it is a trip to the store for a pack of cigarettes or it is your final journey this lifetime to Heaven. I know you still have many journeys before you, and I cannot go with you. Enjoy yourself. Be happy without me. I would go with you if I could. I have to stay here. The day will come when I join you, and we are reunited again. Meanwhile, I give you my heart for safe-keeping, and I kiss you goodbye. Farewell. I promise to let you go with my blessing. I will not keep you from your travels. You were mine for a while. Always isn’t really better than a while. I give you my love so that you may take it with you, not as a keepsake, but as a giveaway. You gave me a lot, and now I give you your freedom. Here, here it is.”

And, now, tell yourself to fare well as well. You are also on a journey, even when your body stays where it is, even when it is hard for you to turn around and say goodbye.

Read Comments

I think what real love is,I'm love myself!

I firmly believe happiness is mine. I always expect good world that belongs to me, because the truth is that happiness twin family. My own heart is also part of the Creator. I'm not afraid anything because I know I don't lose real love and II do not care about false love. Love you, my God.

Found and lost

Be happy without me. I would go with you if I could. I have to stay here. The day will come when I join you, and we are reunited again. Meanwhile, I give you my heart for safe-keeping, and I kiss you goodbye.

I cannot give my heart for "safekeeping" anymore...it has been knocked down for the kill - or so it seems. I can love but I do not want to give my heart away unless it is safe to do so.

If we are to rise above life in this world why are all seeming odds against us? Too many loose threads that I cannot fix makes for a tedious task to come out on top! How can happiness occur when all life energy is constantly being drained in keeping it together making a living, for example; caring for the sick and disillusionned when I myself come from that place!? Grant it that I've been "rescued" by His Hand but I'm a healing in the progress.

Odd thoughts, but I cannot help but wonder why it all seems so simple to God as if He is telling us we are making a big deal out of something so trivial as "life" in this world.


Yes indeed, Johanne,

Yes indeed, Johanne, everything seems so simple without a body!
And I still don't know who created the body. God or the ego. Heaven didn't answer yet.


Well, according to Heaven there are no bodies, so it seems they are a creation of our mind. In the mind of God there is the archetype, the perfect idea of a human body ( we should admit, however, that ears are put in a very odd position, quite funny).

The problem is that the rest

The problem is that the rest of the Creation seems to be the work of God. The body seems to be an exception.

Yet is not the body a

Yet is not the body a magnificent thing? How incredible! How beautiful! How perfect! How it serves us for a time!

The bound between the mind, the heart and the body

What is the real meaning, the real use of the body if it is only transitory? What are we building on dust? The mind without the body cannot make mistakes. It cannot think that it will die, nor be the prey of attacks.

The body must be the "embodiment" of the mind experiencing God through darkness and mistake. We have to remember we chose to forget. The body must then be perceived as what it is: a simple teaching aid, to be laid by when learning is complete, but, perhaps after all, hardly changing us who learn at all.

Therefore, the mind has to be relieved of thinking that the body is its home. Only by letting go the illusions of attraction and attachment can we overcome the fear of death because death is associated with guilt and the body is the home of attraction, attachment and consequently guilt.

The body does not need anything, not even love. It is the mind thinking that it is a body that needs love, that waits for love instead of giving love. Love connects the mind, the heart and the body. But it does not reside in the body.

To understand the bond between the mind, the heart, and the body, we have to get rid of the idea of sacrifice and mistake. This is done through forgiveness. Heaven does not have to be forgiven. Mistakes done through the body have to.

Johanne the Song you sing Rings True

My heart says: "Sigh!!!!" to your song of love.


Welcome back, dearest

Welcome back, dearest George, on this forum. We surely did miss you a lot.

Saying Goodbye is impossible..... sort of.

I suppose I keep my foot in the Door.
At times I say: "One more hug, please....."
Usually I whisper softly: "I'll be seeing you!!!!"
Now I just say: "I love you too much!"


"Love you too much" too

"Love you too much" too ((George)) hugs and smiling to you. I thank God for you!



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