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2 important letters were sent out yesterday

Both of these letters came about because of new subscribers, particularly Margaretha and Mary Josephine. Both came from New Spirituality Network.

Through Margaretha, we learned about Princess Martha Louise in Norway who boldly went public with her ability to communicate with angels and her desire to help others do the same.

A letter to her, translated Heavenletter in Norwegian, the Heaven book and CD went priority mail to the Princess. It will take 7 to 10 days to arrive. On the subtle levels, something good is accomplished by this. It would also be wonderful if the Princess personally responds. By the way, some of your comments were included in the letter. Your words couldn't have been better.

The second letter, in this case, an email, went to New Spirituality Network. If you remember, they included a quotation from a Heavenletter on their site and their newsletter that goes out to a huge number of subscribers. Because of their generosity, a bunch of new subscribers came. Here's the email I sent, and afterwards, you'll see their first most friendly response.

Dear Friends,

We had a mystery!

Last Thursday, July 26, 58 new people subscribed to Heavenletters! This was not typical. We didn’t know how to account for this. Then, two of the new subscribers told us that you, New Spirituality Network, had generously circulated a quote from Heavenletters. What a wonderful thing! You really gave us a spurt of growth and great joy. We are so glad and grateful.

When You Ask God for Counsel

When you ask Me for counsel, you are asking yourself. Asking Me is not looking to outside influence. It is as inner as you can get.

So, what is your question?

There is still more mystery!

How did you find us? Whom on your team do we have to thank for this?

We will certainly mention your site in Heaven News, and we’ll add your link to our site. Right now the tech angels are doing something with our links page. As soon as it’s back up, New Spirituality Network will be there. You have already been mentioned on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum, and I will see that there is more.

I love the statement you have on your site. It is beautiful:

"Humanity's Team is a worldwide grassroots movement founded by Neale Donald Walsch in 2003 to renew and restore our connection with God and with each other, and to create a world in which Humanity truly experiences unity and oneness.

"Its strategy is to free humanity from the oppression of its beliefs about God, about Life, and about each other in order to create a different world.

"In practice, the more than 10,000 Humanity's Team members worldwide educate people, including themselves, in New Spirituality principles, and invite us all to consider — just to consider — expanding our most sacred belief systems so we can create a world in which we can live in peace, harmony and happiness."

Dear Friends, what would you like us to do for you?

And be sure to give us the names of the angels on your team who discovered Heavenletters and made us known. We love to solve a mystery.


Forum Readers, here is their immediate response -- with more to come, I believe:

"Hi Gloria
Thank you for your email, what a nice thing! I have passed this on to Gerry who creates the daily messages, I'm sure he'd love to hear this.
warm regards

I look forward to hearing from Gerry, and will, of course, keep you posted. Here are their websites that I forgot to include:

Simply wonderful dear Gloria

Simply wonderful dear Gloria !! I look forward to hear more from them, it was just fantastic how the many new subscribers came all together !!

Love to you dear

Here's more from the

Here's more from the wonderful people at New Spirituality Network. Enjoy:

Hi, Gloria,

Thank you very much for your note!

My name is Gerry, and I'm the angel who published a Heavenletters quote as the July 26 inspirational e-mail of the Humanity's Team New Spirituality Network.

Of course, I believe God said, "I have sent you nothing BUT angels."

I published the quote because I'm also the angel who determines the inspirational messages that we send out every day and that appear on our Web site.

How did I find you?

I actually found you two or more years ago, when someone forwarded one of your messages to me. And I've been a subscriber ever since (under my personal e-mail address.

What prompted me to include part of your July 14 message?

I was inspired by God to do so.

For "some reason" , I saw extra Light in the second paragraph of your loving message from God that day and felt called to use it in our inspirational e-mail.

Of course, I then wondered if angels like me had permission to do that. I looked at your e-mail and felt guided to the bottom, where I read your wonderful copyright information, in which you invite readers to share the messages, "send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them -- whatever you like." All you asked for is for us to "please include the Source!"

So that's what I did.

I was very happy to distribute the quote and delighted you got such a positive response from our subscribers!

So I believe your mystery is now solved!

But there's more!

I was surprised, excited and very grateful when I read that you wanted to mention our site in Heaven News and add our link to your site. What a wonderful offer! We are thrilled and would be delighted to include your link on the Humanity's Team site. I'm also glad to know we've already been mentioned on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum.

Incidentally, we are beginning to "brand" all the things Humanity's Team does with the Humanity's Team name. So if you mention the site in Heaven News or elsewhere, please call it the Humanity's Team New Spirituality Network or the New Spirituality Network of Humanity's Team. We plan to fold the New Spirituality site into our main site in a few months.

I was also excited to read that you very generously asked what we would like you to do for us -- a question I find quite loving.

My first thought is to say I'd like to discuss this with you. Perhaps we can talk on the phone and see how we can support each other to our mutual benefit.

Again, if you're open to it, I'd like to talk with you to see how we can support each other. I already see many synergies between us -- not the least of which is our shared love of an unconditionally loving God who is separate from nothing and who talks with everyone, all the time. And of course we also have a common love of solving mysteries.

With love and blessings,


mary Oh how wonderful! What


Oh how wonderful!

What beautiful connections for us all.
The more of us that join together and spread the news of a new Spirituality
(and more importantly BE the new Spirituality)
ie ~ unconditional love for all the same ~ we are all one,
the quicker mass consciousness shall be lifted!


Well done everyONE!

