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#1928 How to Manifest WHat You Want To

Hello Friends,

God said life on Earth
Can change in this moment now
If you change yourself

God said Beloveds
Take care of your own vision
You must see beyond

God said shine your light
And you will nourish the land
Be a pioneer

God said change the world
Your thoughts are powerful and
Are part of the world

God said manifest
Beautiful and heroic
Inspire yourself

God said to focus
On how you look at the world
As what it can be

Love, Light and Aloha,

#1945 How to Manifest What You Want To

How to manifest what I want?
I want to be Yours.
I want to serve you.
I want to distinguish good from bad and always choose good.
I want to know the difference between right and wrong and
always do what's right.
I want to know what is socially acceptable, appropriate behavior;
and only do that.
I want to be aware of my duty and do it perfectly.
I want the my responsibilities spelled out to me.
I want to know if what I suspect is true.
I want to know who my friends are.
I want to know why I sometimes feel
someone doesn't like me
and to ask forgiveness
if I've done something to displease them and make amends if necessary.
I want world peace.
I want harmony for humanity.
I want everybody everywhere to have food, shelter, clothes, education and proper medical care.
I want people to be happy instead of afraid or aggressive.
I want love.
I wish they'd trust me.

#1945 How to Manifest WHat You Want To

All you want....

all that is....

all is a question of the focus
all is a question of reonance
all is a question of perspective
all is a question of attachment
all is a question of detachment

when I want whatever

I have to
see it
feel it
be it

whatever the surrounding is - shows...
then the changes will come

and be the actor and not the re-actor


being is doing < - > doing is being