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#1886 The Grand Illusion

God said illusion
On Earth is life entire
Is that loss exists

God said make it Great
Wherever your body stands
Glory could befall

God said the truth is
You are with Me wherever
Wonders transpire

God said desire
That which your heart calls to you
And let it befall

God said your heart calls
Today you could find treasure
Today you could love

Love, Light and Aloha,

#1903 The Grand Illusion

Thank you Karen,

I love your Haiku, have to see if there is a book of them. Better yet, do
you have a bunch on your computer you are willing to upload to me? I had
one published 25 years ago: reverend Moon faker
puts himself at level of God
Moon not Universe.


At 09:41 PM 1/20/2006, you wrote:

ManWithoutFear05 [at] aol [dot] com