you are love
Deep in Your Heart
Deep in your heart is a well of love. It is your job to pull up the love and serve it to everyone. It is easy once you get the hang of it. Get the hang of it now.
You will create a fire brigade of love. The fire brigade you are part of will put out all fires. You will fill every home with the love from your heart. In unison with those you love, you will become an army of love. Can you feel the waves of your love now overtaking the land? How wonderful is this! Love surges through you and out into the world. This is what you are made for.
All Those Who Stand before You
You are an impressionist. You live by impressions. A glance tells you this. A sound tells you that. And you take your impressions and call them truth. They certainly are true for you at the time.
All That You Really Want
What if you could really believe that you are Oneness, My Oneness? The whole world would open for you. There would no longer be seeming departures from Oneness. You would understand Who you are, and you would live it. Of course, you would, for you would see the world as a flower opening before your very eyes. Indeed, you would see with new eyes, and you would see what you had not seen before. You would see what you had never seen before because you would be new.
Play the Flute of God's Love
Well, yes, you are an instrument of My love. Everyone is. What else could you be? Stay close to your own heart, beloveds, and you will know your closeness to Me.
Being an instrument of My love takes no effort, you understand. Love isn't something you do, for love is what you naturally are. That you allow interference to block your love, well, that is well known, yet nothing is to interfere with the love to be emanated from you.
It is like your love is hidden in plain sight, yet it is sometimes hidden by brambles and snips of this and that.
In Love You Soar
If every belonging of yours were taken away today, nothing would have changed. Oh, yes, you would bereave the loss of this trinket or this rug or this house, yet without the trinkets and house and household goods, you would be as you always have been. Beloveds, you stand in the Universe. Life is you and I. And all the material in between has nothing to do with Us. I understand that you think it does. I understand that you feel favored when a house is built for you and unfavored when the house is taken away. And yet, beloveds, the material is immaterial to Us.
Surprise of Love
I would like to tell you once again that you are love, are loved, and give love. Think of me today, and oblige Me with your giving My love everywhere today.
I give you a purse of love today, and your assignment is to spend it for Me. Spend it freely.
Be thinking: What ways can I bestow God's love from this purse to others that will make my God happy?
Your theme for the day is: What can I do today to make God happy? I do not ask much, do I, but today I ask you to make Me happy.
A True Story
Be open-hearted. Wave your heart around the universe so that the universe may absorb love. Love flows through your heart, in and out. Your heart is awash in love, love awash in itself. Like white on white, love is embedded in love, many-layered love, tilted at many angles, indistinguishable love, infinite love, tremendous love knowing nothing but its blazing self.