You Are Invited to a Banquet

God said:

Today is a new life before you. What can it be but that? This day in timeless time has never been written on before.

Today is on the menu. What do you choose for this day? There are a multitude of choices. Today consciously choose. Set the course of your day by choosing. Do not leave it up in the air.

What occurs, you may not have the say of. What you wish to incur, you have all the say in the world. Whatever it is that you are seeking in life, seek for it today. Be on the watch for it. Set the table for it.

Is there not a chance that today will be the day of your dreams? It's going to be the most wonderful day for someone. Does not the possibility exist that it may be momentous and charming for you too?

When you have a banquet to go to, you ready yourself. You have the invitation, and you focus on the event. You wear a tie. You buy a new dress. You have anticipation of the banquet.

You do not demand that the banquet serve your favorite foods. You arrive with the intention of enjoying what is served and enjoying all the other attendees who come with the same intention as you. I believe you Intend to have a good time and see that others do too.

Is not today a banquet to prepare your mind for? Must it be just another day? Can you not be ready for an outstanding day in your life?

Soldiers ready themselves for war before the first shot. Can you not ready yourself for joy? Can you not smack your lips at it? Cannot your mouth water for this day that is before you?

If the meal you are served is flat, can you not add salt to it? Can you not spruce up a day? Can you not make it wonderful?

You are here on earth to make daily life wonderful. You are here to be the stream that runs through the day. You are not merely a recipient of the day. You do not attend the day just to watch it play out. You are, in fact, the bandleader of the day. You have more than a walk-on part.

There will be something in this day to respond to. There will be something in this day to act on. There will be something in this day to decide. On what will you base your decision? Choose joy. Choose now.

You may not know with certainty where you are sailing today. Nevertheless, you set the rudder in a direction of your choice. Where would you sail today? Set sail for a beloved land. Your ship is meant for more than drifting. Set the course for your destiny. Then you can go back to sleep, if you want.

And, then, no matter which shore you come to, there are seashells to find and other condiments to taste.

But know always that you are the chooser. You are the chooser of what you will make of what washes to shore. Waves lap the shore, and waves arrive as gifts of the Ocean.


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