With God

God said:

When you attach another to yourself, you have attached yourself to them. Attachment is a clinging, and when you cling to something else, you are clung to it. You give up something of yourself when you attach to something or someone. It is never worth it. Attachment is never cost-effective. You give too much or take too much, and you lose yourself.

Connect yourself 100% with Me, and then you cast love on others but do not adhere nor be adhered to. Meld into Me, not to any other. No one has the capability to give and accept love as I do. Furthermore, I offer My love so that you may give it to others also. My love doesn't end anywhere. It stops everywhere; it stays everywhere, but it doesn't stop in one place as a finished object left to stay there.

Blood flows. Is blood the same contained in a closed-in vial? Does it nourish life in a container? The answer is no.

And so, love that sticks itself somewhere and adheres as though that somewhere were life itself, loses its vitality.

Neither attach to others nor allow others to attach to you.

Attaching comes from a perceived need, perhaps that you are not enough, and you need more, or more substantiation. The truth is that power supreme runs through you, and attaching to anything makes you — and them — weaker, not stronger.

Perhaps you don't know the difference between strength and weakness.

Do not misunderstand. It is not strength that says, "I can do it all myself." That is weakness masked as strength. But strength is knowing from where help does indeed come.

Attach to Me because that is giving yourself freedom from attachment. Attaching to Me is aligning with Me. You follow where I go as I hold you in My vast love, and that is your strength, and that is your freedom. My love is your freedom.

There is no love without freedom.

Love cannot be contained in small objects.

Yet it is contained everywhere. It is the content of everything. It is the content of you.

When you have a dear butterfly who alights near you of its own free will, why would you catch it in a net? And if the butterfly wants to fly off without your immediate presence going along with it, why would you protest? Why would you mark boundaries for those you love? Why would you inhibit love?

Remember that you attach to ideas. Attachment itself is an idea. And most of your ideas are mistaken. They are mistaken for something other than an idea. They are mistaken as rights or virtues or debts or demands or penalties, all of which are also only ideas. But you think these general ideas of the world justify your personal illusions. You think perhaps your ideas support your personal denialship.

Know that when you have attachment, you also have denial.

But do not wrack your brains over these matters.

Simply turn your attention to Me.

Ask Me to remove justification and illusion and denial from you.

Ask Me to polish your clear awareness.

Ask Me to bathe you in My light.

They are pretty much the same. Clear awareness, My light, and absence of justification, illusion, and denial.

My light will remove anything that is less than My light. All impurity vanishes in My light. My light does not block anything. My light opens everything. My light does not merely light up your whereabouts. When My light shines on you, it takes you somewhere. My light lifts you up to where you can see yourself aglow in My light. When you are in My light, what can you see but My light? What is there to see but My light?

You have aspired to too little.

Aspire to more.

Aspire to everything that God gives you in the light of His love.

Aspire to My holdings.

Aspire to My light and My vision, and then you are everything. You are everything holy. All I have made is holy. And I have made everything. And all I have made is Light.


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