All Those Who Stand before You
You are an impressionist. You live by impressions. A glance tells you this. A sound tells you that. And you take your impressions and call them truth. They certainly are true for you at the time.
Not Leaf Nor Lotus Flower
Being neutral is nothing more nor less than compassionate wisdom. All wisdom is compassionate, or it would not be wisdom.
Does taking things personally mean ego? I would say so. Part of taking personally is the thought: "How can they talk to me this way? Who do they think they are? Who do they think I am?" Yes, that looks like ego to Me.
Without ego interference, the thought more likely will be: "What's really going on here? And how do we progress from it?"
And always the answer is love, not ballooned love, but love as a willingness to understand and go on from there.
The Threshold
My Beloveds, you stand at a gate and you hesitate to enter. What holds you back? It is old thoughts. What are fears but old thoughts coming back to roost? What you think is wisdom is often folly. Is it not folly to stand at My door and not come in? You have been invited. You have been urged. You have been sought. You have been beckoned. There is only one direction to go in, but you stand and wait before you take another step.
Fear freezes you.
Let My love unfreeze you.
Yes, Free Will
You do have free will. I gave it to you.
You could say I gave you the world, and that the world is illusion. So you might say I gave you the illusion of free will and not free will really. You might say free will is a myth, perhaps a come-on.