willingness to love
The Plum of Your Heart
You were made in My image. Love is the only true. If your heart aches, you, in your heart, are not being true. Sometimes you fight your love. It is not a lie that you love. The lie is that you do not.
Your heart will open again. The plum of your heart is filled to bursting with love. Anything else you spy in your heart is a thief in the night.
And so now forgive what ails you. Forgiveness means that you withdraw your armaments. Disarm yourself. Return to innocence.
You are not to guard yourself. Nor are you to mourn.
Greet Joy Generously
If joy is your nature, and your heart is heavy, then you can know that you are away from your nature. It is unnatural for you to be unhappy and anxious. That is why it is so uncomfortable for you. If anguish were a natural thing, it would not be so disturbing.
You can bless even your anguish, however. It is signaling you to return to your nature of love. It is yourself you are not loving. That must be the case or you would not punish yourself so. Perhaps you consider yourself unworthy of joy. Perhaps you consider yourself worthy of woe.
The Glory of Love
Love flows in an unending stream of itself. Although love may be categorized, love is love. It is not interchangeable with anything else and yet, unlike oil and water, love can merge with anything. There is not anywhere that love does not go. And yet, unbelievably, love is not always welcomed. If love were always welcomed, there would be no wars and no unhappy homes.