What Godwriting Means to Those Who Do It
"You held it back, waiting for someone next to you to sing first. You forgot you were supposed to sing first. You thought you didn't know how to sing. You forgot it didn't matter how well you could carry a tune. You forgot it mattered only that you sing."
Heavenletter #1646 A Meeting of the Stars
"This is the story of what happened to me during the Workshop. I have been always feeling a song in my throat needing to be sung. I always felt that but didn't know how to sing because I had never learnt how to sing properly. I think that feeling finally got an outlet to be free. At the Godwriting workshop in Istanbul, Gloria told me to sing and I sang. I could not help it. It just came. :)"
"My first Godwriting opened my heart and mind and soul to the fact that God does literally speak to and through me. I can hardly contain my excitement with this life-changing discovery!"
“I love this way of communicating with God. Writing puts it right out there where I can see it.”
"The Godwriting™ workshop and my continued Godwriting have opened my heart to God with a wonderfully powerful whisper. It hits all the little resistances built into my perspective and transforms them. My vision has expanded. I have found peace of mind. It is a personal experience as well as a transpersonal experience. Each Godwriting letter becomes more heartfelt than the previous, and I am swimming in the ocean of God's love with every stroke and with every breath. I am grateful to God for this wondrous contribution to the world and to my world."
"The Heavenletter Writing Workshop inspired me to look inside for God, and I thank Heaven for helping open that connection in me!"
“When I sit down with the intention to Godwrite, something magical already begins to happen.”
“I do my Godwriting twice a day and feel like I have always done it. It has completely changed my life because it is so personal. God meets us where we are. Life is so good.”
"Godwriters are a band of angelic brother and sister Lightworkers that I am honored, inspired and comforted by being a part of. I love Godwriting and the simple, natural and yet very profound process you opened me up to. That energy of God that flows through and around me when I Godwrite is also immediately accessible whenever I call upon it, or come to think about it, or even whenever I read about it or hear about it. To describe it is to describe the qualities of God."
"I feel like a different woman after attending the Heavenletter session."
"I had been so devoid of a sense of intimacy in my life without Godwriting. I love that feeling of being blown away that the Creator of the Universe is a wise and personal mentor we have right at our fingertips, whenever and wherever we reach out to Him. I am eternally grateful to God and Heaven Letters for bringing this awareness right into my living room each and every day. And for making me so aware of the fact that I can reach out to God, one on One, and there He is sitting with me every time, like He has all the time in the world for me and nothing else is more important to Him."