What Does Love Do?

God said:

What does love do but open the universe to possibilities? What does love do but inspire? What is inspiration but admitting possibilities? Inspiration nudges you to go higher and wider. It nudges you to lift your head up.

When you inspire someone, you are admitting possibilities. You are admitting the possibility of possibilities, and you are admitting infinity. Open the door for another, and then you also enter. You gain admittance into the horizons that are always before you and which have often been unnoticed or glossed over or tossed aside because you were not inspired to go further. There is an unexplored vastness waiting for a signal from you.

When you feel another's love toward you, you begin to feel that maybe you aren't so bad after all. You feel that maybe you are, after all, worthy of love because here is some coming at you. Another's love opens you up to a little belief in yourself. You begin to enjoy life.

That is what you are here for, beloveds, to enjoy.

When your mind lets loose of you, you enjoy. Encamped in your ruthless mind, you are discouraged. Your thoughts make you tired.

It is incontrovertible that most of your thoughts need to be on their way out. You have had them long enough. They have discouraged you long enough. Now adopt thoughts that expand your circumference. Break out. You are just beginning.

When a sunflower is a closed-up bud, does it know that it will become a great nodding flower? The sunflower has such perfect faith in its existence that it does not need to know. But you, without perfect faith, have to know that you have a great blossoming before you. You have to unlearn what your mind jabbers. If your life has not been expanding, it has been contracting. The boundaries of your thoughts have contracted your life. Step up to a new threshold now.

Open your heart, and you open your life. You are not intended to be a reactor to your life. You are intended to be an initiator of it. When you go by what has happened or not happened in the past, when you go by all the logic, you make no sense at all.

A jockey does not hold back the horse he rides. He lets it go. You are a jockey of life, and your heart is your horse. Let go of the reins.

Unfold yourself. Like material at the fabric store, unfold yourself. You are more. You are always more. Unfold yourself all day long. Keep rolling the fabric of yourself. Keep revealing yourself to yourself. Unwind the wrappings that have held you down.

You are like the thirsty man at the edge of a lagoon who doesn't know water is there. You are like the land-locked child who wants to see the sea and doesn't know it's a stone's throw ahead of him. You are like the mountain climber who almost reaches the cloud-covered peak. He doesn't know how close he is to his heart's desire. He doesn't know he almost made it, and he steps down.

There are plenty of people on Earth who will tell you to step down. What choice do you have but to inspire them?

Like you, they have been told time and time again that they are incapable of reaching their dreams. Like you, they came to believe in what they were told, and they put their aspirations aside.

At this point in your evolution, beloveds, push aside the barrels of thoughts that speak of limitations and herald those that awaken you. Then you will inspire.


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