Walk, Don't Run

God said:

Events in life occur. If only you could think that they are not personal to you. Actually, you want life to be personal to you. You want to feel blessed. You like attention, and you like to feel favored. When the sun shines, you feel blessed. When it rains, you feel annoyed. But sun and rain are both impartial to you. They are neutral. They are not thinking about you all the time.

As in a diagram, you have made yourself the center of the world, and see all arrows as pointed to you. And so you judge what enters your field.

When you trip and fall, you look to see who pushed you or what offense there was in the sidewalk to cause you to trip. But the sidewalk welcomes all feet alike. It doesn't favor some more than others. The sidewalk doesn't fuss; you do.

You are pro or you are con. Seldom are you neutral. You defend your inner and outer reactions by saying you are discerning. My dears, if you were discerning, would you let so much bother you?

What occurs is not to be the making of you any more than it is to be your undoing. God is your ballast, and you have Me regardless of all the winds that blow.

I have said it before. Do not hold on so tightly to your present way of thinking.

Better to consider that all that comes your way is a gift. Some more obvious than others. But all in the category of gift. No matter how troublesome, there is something worthy being offered you. Let that be the basis you come from. Then you will not feel so put out with the twists and turns in life.

You are independent of everything! What does anything have to do with you, except as you say? In that sense, you have the say of everything.

You are dependent upon no man, and you are dependent upon no thing. Yet you keep thinking you are at the whim of the world, and so you perceive good days and bad days.

If your plans go awry, and this bothers you, then perhaps do not make so many plans.

What exactly is this that you think you must accomplish and are devastated when you do not?

You are not the master of life. You are the master of you. What befalls may not be your choice. But after that, all is your choice.

You are free to beat your chest. You are free to pick up the pieces and go on. You are free to turn in another direction. You are as just as free to accept as you are free to deny.

Think no longer that choices must be right or they are wrong. Choices are choices. You do not know how to evaluate them. Who can say they are wrong? How would they or you know?

When you enter a new town, and you try to find your way in it, and you go down one street instead of another, what has been lost? Perhaps there could have been a shorter way to your hotel, but what was the urgency? And were there not splendid sights along the way?

You enjoy more according to the pressure you remove from yourself.

Who are you to mandate that this or that must succeed and when or how?

Just keep turning yourself in the direction of your choice but not have to get there. Maybe you don't need to get there at all. Certainly not at the precise moment you say.

Walk, don't run.


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