Wait On All Who Enter

God said:

Do not resist. Do not resist the good that comes to you. Resisting is putting up a barrier.

Do not resist the unwanted that comes to you either. The barrier you put up is in your own heart.

Let joy come to you and let pain flow out.

You have indeed resisted joy. You think you have looked for it, but you have too often dismissed it. Take joy where it is. Practice it.

You do not need to practice fear. You are very good at it. Be as good at joy as you are at fear. Specialize in joy.

When life does not have to be a certain way, you don't resist what comes. With every arbitrary idea you have about what life should and should not be, you put up arbitrary limits. You become a sluice gate that lets in this and not that, and so much of this and none of that. In so doing, you set up an impossible task. You hardly know what to let in and what to keep out. In any case, all your efforts are ineffective.

It is not possible for you to make even an unwelcome guest welcome? You can treat him well, make his stay comfortable until he is on his way. When you do not resist so much, it is easier for him to leave.

When you are on a crowded train or subway, you are jostled. Jostling is part of the ride. There is jostling, and there is your minding it. Do not compound the jostling with your resistance to it. Jostling is temporary. The train will come to a stop soon enough. You will get off, or others will. You can be pleasant whatever the ride is like.

You may prefer day to night, but that doesn't mean that you cannot wrest joy from night as well as day.

You can enjoy hot and you can enjoy cold. The temperature is what it is. And you are the experiencer. You are the experiencer.

Come to terms with life. It is life. And that is all it is. It is not a contest, and it is not a performance. It simply is whatever it happens to be at any given moment.

Sometimes life is like a pale room. Sometimes it is vibrant. Sometimes it is small. Sometimes it is large. And with your disposition, you can paint the room and alter its dimensions.

Be predisposed to life. Be favorable to it. You want it to be favorable to you. Set the tone.

If life is a fool, you can be wise. If life is troublesome, you can be easy. If life is tumultuous, you can be still. If life is fragmented, you can be whole. If life is bumpy, you don't have to be.

Let life reflect you. You need not reflect it so much. You are mightier than life. You are independent of what occurs in it.

Whatever you are involved in, it will change. Be not afraid of change, and be not in a hurry to change whatever is right now. Desire what you desire, but do not block life. Do not run from it. Do not insist it must be your way. This is not putting up with life. This is moving on in life.

As with a business, some days business is good, and some days it is slow. Yet each day you set up your store front, and you do what you can to attract the customers you want, and you wait on all who enter.


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