uplift the world
By What Means Does the World Revolve?
If you cannot make the entire world happy and enlivened, perhaps you can make a part of the world happy and enlivened. Perhaps you can make your part of the world sweeter. It is such a little thing for you to make someone else's day happier. Just as you go about your business and lead your everyday life, you can shine on someone else's day. Just by a few words, a smile, a sense of appreciation for life and for another's voyage through life, you can lift the hearts of many.
One of God's Unique Blessings
There are many different kinds of abilities. There are many kinds of genius. I am telling you right now that there is an area in your life in which you are a genius, a unique genius. You don't have to know what it is, beloveds. You don't have to identify it, because you are it. You live it. You don't have to think about it, even know it. You can take My word for it. You are a unique blessing of Mine delivered to the Planet Earth.
You may be a unique blessing of listening. Listen to the murmur of the Universe. What is it saying? It is saying you have a unique gift to give.
One Family, One World
Whose heart could you lift right now? Let Me rephrase the question. Whose heart could you not lift right now? Whose heart cannot use some lifting? Who has not had troubles in his life? Who has not been hurt? Who is not still carrying some scars? The need for upliftment is great.
What if you actually believe that everyone is your brother, or your sister, or mother or father, or son or daughter?
Give the World Some Delight
Often, what is easiest is best. Yet not always.
It is easier to reach for the candy than it is to cook a meal. It is easier to stay sitting in a chair than it is to get up. And so on.
I would like you to take life easy, yet I am not saying that making life easy has to mean taking the line of least resistance. Easy and line of least resistance are not always the same. Sometimes taking the line of least resistance creates more snags than it erases.