uplift and inspire
By What Means Does the World Revolve?
If you cannot make the entire world happy and enlivened, perhaps you can make a part of the world happy and enlivened. Perhaps you can make your part of the world sweeter. It is such a little thing for you to make someone else's day happier. Just as you go about your business and lead your everyday life, you can shine on someone else's day. Just by a few words, a smile, a sense of appreciation for life and for another's voyage through life, you can lift the hearts of many.
What Your Thoughts Create
Words may be one thing and truth another. Make sure that your words and truth line up. This seems so simple and obvious. Do not say what is not true for you, for then you weaken yourself.
Do not make promises unless you will uphold them. You may mean to follow through. You are pure of heart at the time you give your promise. Unless you live up to it, you have made a false promise, and you have weakened your spine.
When your words and truth are aligned, your spine follows. The body is form, and your thoughts create form.