true wisdom
Not Leaf Nor Lotus Flower
Being neutral is nothing more nor less than compassionate wisdom. All wisdom is compassionate, or it would not be wisdom.
Does taking things personally mean ego? I would say so. Part of taking personally is the thought: "How can they talk to me this way? Who do they think they are? Who do they think I am?" Yes, that looks like ego to Me.
Without ego interference, the thought more likely will be: "What's really going on here? And how do we progress from it?"
And always the answer is love, not ballooned love, but love as a willingness to understand and go on from there.
From the Silent Recesses of Your Heart
There is no wisdom without love. Wisdom is love from on high.
Wisdom sees from a higher platform. Wisdom comes from a great understanding which develops from love. It certainly doesn't come from selfishness. Greater understanding grows into greater perception, and from greater perception come greater love and wisdom.
Wisdom is large thinking. It has nothing to do with cleverness. Cleverness is an isolated streak and has no comparison to wisdom.