This That Is Called Karma

God said:

What is called karma is not as described. It is not payback. It is a continuation of something unfinished. That's all.

Most of your relationships are unfinished. No divorce is final. Even death does not end your relationships. You just haven't gotten to the good part of the story yet, that's all. But, of course, at some point, the story as you knew it, the story as you wrote it, goes up in smoke. It turns out it was only a story, after all. Then, perhaps, you are finished with it.

It may give you some comfort to know that you are at the beginning or middle and not at the end of your relationships. You are given another chance. You are given as many chances as you need to come to the place of love supreme.

Seen from a distance, there is little difference between hello and goodbye. The embrace is the same.

Perhaps goodbye is the greeting.

When people's bodies die, you realize the insignificance of all the toil and trouble that went on. They and you perhaps took to toil and trouble more than to anything else.

This is not to say that their life was insignificant. Or yours. Oh, no. But the toil and trouble were. The life of those who have left the Earth plane could have held more fun and joy. Opportunity was wasted. But the life was not for naught.

It's just you act as if life on Earth were forever. You think it is very serious. All the while it is an interlude. It is a little expedition. It is a walk around the block.

What could have been made of the life was not. It was not made the most of. Some of it was made. Some of it was unmade, like a bed you got up from.

You can consider life on Earth as a night's sleep. You might as well sleep well and have good dreams. Why not? In your dream, you can make life easier for others. You don't have to make it hard. You don't have to have a performance rating or demand the same of another. Why not have a good sleep?

This life on Earth is so temporal. It is the blink of an eye. But in that interim, you can bless. You can make the interval blessed. It is such a little thing to do. All you have to do is to not take it so seriously and take it joyously instead.

What if life was meant to be fun rather than serious?

What if you were like the little child? Oh, there might be a little tug between you and another over a toy truck, but in a moment, it would be forgotten, and you would make up and return to play. You might go outside and dig holes. Digging holes is hard work, but it would be play.

Well, then, consider life more as helping each other dig holes. Life is not a contest you are in. It is to help each other make the best of what they've got. It is to share your pail and shovel. It is to help your friend. It is to play in the sand. It is to laugh and laugh. Is there something better to do in life than to enjoy it? Laugh at its folly, and stand up in love.

In this blink of an eye, you can be less ambitious.

So, karma can be considered like playing cards. You are just finishing a hand that, one way or another, you were dealt, or dealt yourself.

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