The Wholeness of Love

God said:

Beloveds, My love spills everywhere. Even in your darkest moments, you are full of My love. Know fully in the depths of your heart that My love rains down upon you. My love is the making of you. It has to make a difference to you to know that My love does not waver.

My love is not given to you more one day than another. The value you attribute to your life may go up or down, but My love, never. My love cannot be subtracted from, nor damaged, nor reserved. My love is the wholeness of you. Wholeness cannot be partial.

I am your wholeness. You are a holy being of God. You are not unwhole. But what you see and what is are not always the same. They are often not the same.

My love is not at a distance from you, only you would regulate the appearance and consistency of My love. You would determine it according to time and space. You would undermine My love by holding it up against events in your life. There is no eventuality when it comes to My love. My love is eternal, and it is eternally yours. My love cannot be set aside. There is no interference with it. Only you collect what you call evidence of fickleness. Humankind is fickle. You are fickle when it comes to your picture of My love. My love is constant.

If I am a table, you push yourself away from it. You could just as well pull your chair closer. There is no virtue in setting yourself aside from Me. There is every virtue in coming closer. Why would you deny yourself that which is inevitable and what, in the depths of your heart, you most want?

You have a God who loves. You look at the world and say that it cannot be so. You say that I have abandoned the world. You are almighty about proving that you and the world are orphans without love. You have counted statistics.

You accuse Me falsely. The God of Love is naught but a God of Love. I cannot be anything else. You torment yourself with conclusions you draw. Don't be so clever. Be innocent of accrued conclusions. What happens to be in front of you on Earth is only what is in front of you. It is not the whole schematic. There is an unseen world in front of you. Unseen perhaps, but not unknown.

I am known to you. You have discerned Me. You have tried to locate Me. How do you locate that which is everywhere all the time? How do you locate God in infinity? You hunt for a finite God, as if that would be better. What can be better than an infinite God? You and I are infinite. Hold Me closer to you. Wave Me into your heart. Give Me a cherished place there. I ask this of you so that you may know your well-being. I am in your heart anyway. You might as well pull up a few cushions for Me.

You cannot empty your heart of Me. You cannot pretend Me away. You cannot be self-righteous in your heart and contain your awareness of Me. You cannot outdo Me. You cannot beat Me to the ground. You cannot not catch Me, beloveds. You can only succeed in love. Love that which is close to you more than you love that which is faraway. I am by far closer to you than anything in Creation. I am closer to you than you presently are to yourself.


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