The Sweet Winding of God
Dear God, in the middle of meditation just now, I had the thought that it is like — You have no arms so people have to do things in Your Name for You, and that you are the Great Delegator.
I am. Or call Me the Great Chooser or Elector of Great People or Captain of a Crew that follow My command, except it is never a command. It is a request, or idea, or wish, or will, or thought.
You can call Me the Great Orchestrator. And I do create great music, wouldn't you say?
I would say.
I create the musician, the music, and the playing of it.
You could say I am the Great Interpreter because I interpret the needs of My children before they know them.
You could call Me the Great Knower, and I am often called that, the Knower of All, the Great All-Knowingness.
You can call Me the Great Lover because I love everyone everywhere, and I love them the same. I can be in all hearts and minds the same at the same time, and I am.
You could call Me the Great Comforter.
You could call Me the Great Easer, the Great Solace and Solacer, the Great One. The Great One includes all. So what you call Me are you if you but saw it.
Whatever I do, you do. I give love — you give love. I delegate — you delegate. I comfort — you comfort.
Whatever I am, you are. I multiplied Myself or I divided Myself. I am the Great Multiplier. Don't call Me Great Divider because, although that means I made many more of Me, it would be taken as Great Separator, and I am not that.
I am the Great Unifier. I am the Great Gluer. I am the Great Artist, Sculptor, Potter, Weaver, Word-Giver, Teacher, Admirer, Giver, Practitioner, Healer, Holder, Hoper, Father, Family-Maker, Maker, Doer (without doing), Maestro, CEO, Foreman, Forecaster, Dancer, Wielder, Enchanter, Impressario, Assigner, Challenger, Darer, Donor, Dallier, Diletante, Deliverer, Designer, Decorator, Unlimiter, Trashman, Eraser, Appreciator, Evolver, Unfolder, Opener, Caterer, Chef, Delighter, Democrat. I am the Most of All.
I am the Knitter, Color Guard, Receiver, Promoter, Middleman, Flautist, Inventor, Dimple-Maker, Singer, Revealer, Translator, Calmer, Enjoyer, Joy-Maker, Server, Absorber, Thinker, Imaginer, Diviner, Flow-er, Seer, Simplifier, Edifier, Satisfier, Truth-Maker, Truth-Giver, Truster, Provost, Provider, Doorman, Door-opener, Agent, Mission-Maker, Runner, Flyer, Companion, Compatriot, Encompasser, Befriender, Goal-Setter, Treasurer, Music-Maker.
In other words, I am My Creation. I am you. We are not many, but One. We are not two, but One. We are not part of each other. We are each other.
And now I will let you (and Me) go back to your meditating.
A Course in Miracles, Lesson 306:
"The gift of Christ is all I seek today. What but Christ's vision would I use today, when it can offer me a day in which I see a world so like to Heaven that an ancient memory returns to me."
Dear God, I thank You for the gift of Christ.
Thank you for accepting Christ, the gift of Christ. Christ is another name for My love. So thank you for accepting My love and shaking it out everywhere you go.
My love and My blessings accompany you day in and day out. I accompany you, and I take you with Me. We are not ever absent from one another. We are soulmates. God and His souls on earth, the God-clasp of love.
Gloria to Mother Divine:
Dear Mother Divine, there is something you wish to say?
Mother Divine:
I say, Bless you for listening to God and serving Him with the joy and alacrity you do. Hand in hand with God, you journey forth in life. The sweet winding of God, the sweet trail, the sweet crossroads where all meet.
Glory be to God and His Creation which are One!
Glory be to the Mind and Heart of God as they stream from all and ascend to the Highest Heaven where love was birthed and Creation begun!
Glory be to the invocation and evocation of God's Will.
Glory be to the glory of God as it alights on your shoulders, so light, so evanescent, so welcomed.
Glory be to God's light that shines in the hearts of all and is manifested on earth as it is in Heaven.
Glory be to Heaven which is the glory of God at its heighths.
Glory be to earth for its substance and its charm.
Glory be to all for their yearning hearts and hope-filled eyes, drinking in Heaven.
Glory be to the concept of life and its everlastingness.
Glory be to glory and its Evolver!
Glory be to our Creator who formed love from love.
Glory be to God's Love as it stays still and travels the earth.
Glory be to the human heart and the treasures it holds.
Glory be to the moil and troubles which show souls another way.
Glory be to another way that leads ones back to God, their Heavenly Father.
Glory be to God, the Father, who holds us in His hands blows life and love into us.
Glory be to God for His vision and wisdom and for making them manifest.
Glory be to God.
Gloria to Mother Divine:
Dear Mother Divine, what would you like to tell me this evening?
Mother Divine:
You are an answerer of questions. A right answer just comes to you. You know the answer, and you do not know how you knew. You just knew. You have noticed that?
Mother Divine:
You have vision from a high plane, and that is how you know. You, the individual, do not have to know the answer. It just comes.
And you do not need questions; they are answered before you need ask.
I wonder, Mother Divine, what are questions, what are answers? Suddenly, I can't comprehend the whole concept.
In that quiz show, JEOPARDY, they give you the answer, and you have to think of the question for your answer.
Mother Divine:
A question goes up the mountain and an answer comes down.
A question opens up, and an answer gives closure.
A question is a search, and an answer is the finding.
A question is a discovery, and an answer winds it up.
A question is opening a book, and an answer is closing it.
They are both points along the way.