The Stirring of Your Heart

God said:

Consider that you have arrived at a train station. Now what train do you catch? Where do you go from here? Perhaps back to where you started, and that is with Me. Whatever the name of the station you choose and set out for, it is to Me. I am your point of departure, and I am also your arrival. And I am the train you catch. I am catchable. And you don't really even have to chase after Me. I am the bird in hand.

I am the One who sends you off, and I am the One Who greets you. I am here at every turn. There is no where else I can be but with you. But you can be a million places — you can think you are a million other places — but there is only one place to be. That's with Me, and you are already here with Me if you but knew.

When you wake in the morning, you wake to Me. When you open your eyes, I am what you see — at least I am what you can think of and what you can know. I am before you. I rouse you. Even when you wake dreary-eyed, I am before you. You will never catch Me unawares. I am always deeply aware of you. You are on My mind, and you are in My heart, and that is all there is. That is not less than you expect. It is the More.

There is nowhere where I am not. There is no field of life without Me. There is no life without Me. The impossibility is to be without Me. That is the one impossibility I will own to. It is impossible, and it is inconceivable.

There never was a time when I was not, and there is no time where I am. Time does not exist.

I am not in your imagination. I am the very substance of you. You roll around on My chest, and you think you are somewhere else. You think I am manufactured, or I am an idea that somehow caught on, and that I don't belong everywhere, as if I could not be everywhere (as if there is an everywhere any more than there is a time). I do not fill up space. I do not take time. Yet I am All.

You are My love manifested, and so it seems to you that you are outside Me, when all the while, you are internal to Me, and I am internal to you. You are My identity, as I am yours. You have great responsibility, and you have none. What you have is great placement in My heart. We can say that you are the beat of My heart. You are My impulses going out. You are My impulses of love thinking they seek themselves, but it is return to My heart in your awareness that you seek.

You have not lost Me. I cannot be lost. But you seek your thought of Me. You long to grasp Me. You do not lose yourself in Me. You find yourself with Me, because I am where you are located. If you are anywhere, you are with Me. And you are somewhere indeed. Where and place are metaphors for the only thing there is. Anything placed outside Me in thought is a metaphor. I am the only Non-Metaphor there is or can be.

I am the Sum of It All. Yet there is nothing to add up. All is complete. You are complete, and you are completely with Me, as I am with you. There is no alternative. You might as well get on with it — this exploration called life — for you stir My heart.


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