The Secret to a Full Heart

God said:

Beloveds, do not feel sorry for the one you see on crutches. Do not feel sorry for the one who is too short or too tall. Do not pity the one whose heart does not seem to beat or beat in love. For everyone that you feel pity for is you. Accept this. There is no one who is not you.

You know that self-pity is not valuable. Nor is pity at all. It is not for you to pity anyone. Do you think I condescend to pity? What kind of God would be a God of Pity? When you pity another, you are placing yourself higher than they. Beloveds, you are sequestered right in everyone's being, for being is shared. There is no getting around it.

There is no race that is not yours. There is no religion that is not yours. There is no event, tragic or comic, that is not yours. What happens to any one of My children is happening to you. Whatever thoughts someone has, they are your thoughts. You have had them. Now someone else is having them. They are still yours.

Whatever heartbreak exists, it is yours. All hearts beat as One.

Start now by moving your thoughts higher.

Compassion is one thing. Pity another. Even so, compassion is meant to lead somewhere. It is not just a cluck of the tongue. Compassion is in action. Thoughts are actions.

I am placing responsibility for the world upon you, not the burden of responsibility, but the awareness of it.

Before you condemn a slayer, admit that you too have held murder in your heart.

Before you condemn anyone, turn your heart toward them and silently bless them. Bless them in My name and in yours. This is how you bless yourself. Thinking of others is thinking about yourself. It is doing something for yourself.

The thoughts you send out are powerful. Take responsibility for the thoughts you send out. Be merciful to yourself. Have mercy on My One child.

You are superior to none. You are also inferior to none. Never mind what the world says and you have always thought. Now I am changing your thought. No longer do you turn your nose up at anyone. Now you let your eyes meet theirs and see their soul. It is yours.

If one man is hungry, the hunger is yours. Because one man is cruel does not make you kind. Remember Whom you represent in the world, and start representing.

I love you for all your goodness. I love you for your beautiful heart and your desire to serve, to serve Me and all of mankind. I love Myself within you, and I ask you to stand with Me, not as a warrior, not as a Truthsayer, but as one who loves even where love does not seem to be.

Beloveds, who would commit murder when your heart was pure? When you love everyone, everyone will love. The world will transform itself before your very eyes. The world has to stand up and take notice of your love. This is not love in neon lights. This is simply quiet easy love. And what is love but a sharing of peace and awareness that all is well?

Whatever skirmish exists in the world, it exists in your heart. Fill your heart with love, and then send out all the love. Send it out to the world right now, and your heart will be full of more love. The secret to a full heart is to empty it. The refilling is automatic.

And so you serve all of creation, the so-called past, as well as the so-called present and future, and so you serve Me and so you serve yourself, for in Oneness you love, and in Oneness you ARE.


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