The Power of God
Dear God and Mother Mary, I am aware of how another person's energy gets stuck to me. The sidewalk isn't shoveled after the heavy snows. I tried and tried sweeping, and my back is out too much. The mailbox is a rural one right on the sidewalk on a tree right there, and the mailman has stopped delivering. He walks right past and doesn't deliver. I did all I know to do to remove his discomfort and mine. Will You help?
This is God. Mother Mary is here, but I am speaking. Now I will be quiet a moment and soothe this way for the mailman and for you… What do you sense?
He feels bad what he is doing. He sees it as justified, and he resents me more for causing him to behave badly. I feel like I've taken on the world, a huge opponent, the government! Little unhappy mailman becomes the US Government!
Picture the mailman happy and delivering your mail. Picture yourself happy taking your mail out of the mailbox. Picture the mailman happy to pick up a letter you want to mail. Picture the sidewalk clear. Picture yourself not minding anything. Picture Me before you and Mother Mary beside you. Picture all your angels around you.
Picture the mailman's angels helping him deliver. Picture his angels making him feel happier. Picture a smile on his face and a brightness in his step.
Picture the world filled with angels. Picture the world filled with happiness. Picture the U.S. Government as presided over by God and Divine Mother and all the angels.
Picture yourself as an angel who bestows blessings. You waft around touching souls with your wand. Your wand touches the mailman on his shoulders and you tickle his nose with the wand and you bolster him from behind and lift him slightly off the ground so his step is light.
Now you strew roses before his feet. You make the whole sidewalk filled with roses. And now each letter the mailman leaves for anyone is like a flower from him.
Your mail will be delivered today.
Dear God and Mother Mary, as much as I am enjoying Jill, I am feeling she wants to swallow me up. I feel tugged and pulled by her. She wants me to be part of her "group", and I have no desire to join a group. I want to be my own free agent — with You, of course — and if I want to join a group, it will be from my initiative, not because someone wants to rope me in. As I write this, I am feeling smothered by Jill.
I have streamed the wand of white light through Jill. I have sent her love. I have asked You to remove our energies from each other. And I found myself ordering her spirit to stay away from my field!
Quite right.
In a way, I feel Jill is a seductress. In a way, a collector. She wants to amass souls around her. Karen draws souls to her. That is quite different, yes?
Know that I, your Heavenly Father, is within and without you each moment, that Divine Mother covers you with her love. You can think of Us as each holding you by the arm, she on your right, I on the left, and We lead you happily to where you want to go. When your heart falters, we hold you up. But We are always arm in arm. You go through life with Us.
And Christ?
Christ is you, My child. You are the Christ We hold. It is the magnificence of Christ that shines in you. And now, more and more, your Christed light shines forth.
You can say We hold your Christed light between Us, and you can say you hold God and Mother Mary on each side of you. It doesn't matter. We are arm in arm. Our light mingles in yours.
You are Our light, and We are yours. Fill your heart with Our mutual light.
Consider your radiant heart a sun. The light of the sun is who you are. You are the sun. You can do nothing but shine and fill the world up with your natural light. Consider yourself the lamplighter. That is your job. You light hearts, and that light bursts forth from others' eyes as it does from yours.
You light up hearts, and you lighten them. That is what you do. Know that that is what you do.
You are not a herder of souls. You are a lighter of souls. You are a dancer of light, and you travel from star to star and planet to planet and earth to Heaven.
You fly by night, Gloria. Your body stays in your bed, and you breathe, and you trip the light fantastic throughout the universes, and you gather your light and messages, and your soul knows no bounds.
You are boundless joy of God, dispersed for all.
Light is attached to your fingers as you write or type. You are a light magnet, and the computer keys leap to your fingers' touch and transmit My words, God's words, onto your computer. God's vast thoughts enter a little set of components and then are dispersed to the world on electric wires of light. Light lights light.
You are a light station, Gloria. You are an electric company. God's Electric Company. The Lightworks.
You are a fire starter. You light fires of love further than you know. You are a power relay station. I am the Power, and you relay it, and that is glory.
You are a Gloryer. You are a glory wire. A glory radiating center. A cell of glory. A battery of glory. A glory ribbon wound 'round the world.
The world is in your heart. It is housed there. You hold the world in your heart, and you radiate the world to itself.
God speaks to your heart, and your heart radiates the messages. The world in your heart also relays its messages, its requests, prayers, and needs.
You are a double informant. A double agent of Heaven and of earth.
A Course in Miracles, Lesson 281:
"I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts… The thoughts I think with You can only bless. The thoughts I think with You can only bless. The thoughts I think with You alone are true…I would not attack the Son He loves, for what He loves is also mine to love."
What do You say, dear Father?
You know Truth when you see it. And now you live Truth, and that makes you stronger. Truth strengthens. Untruth weakens. Be strong in truth, and you are strong in Me.
Gloria to God:
Dear Heavenly Father, the mailman did deliver mail today! Thank You.
The power of a kind thought, Gloria.
The Power of God!
That is the Power of God.
I love that! (I want to say, dear Mother, I do not leave you out. I know you are here beside God, and I welcome you.)
In regard to Bran, Karen had cautioned me about him, and when we were on the phone she said: "Oh, you are one of those who has to learn herself!" I'm thinking that sometimes I don't even learn from myself.
It is only from yourself you learn. Whoever teaches you anything, it is from yourself you learn. Knowledge cannot skip around you and be yours. It goes inside, and you slip it into a slot called Lesson Learned.
When you have learned, you learn very well. Sometimes it takes you a while to learn.