The New Heaven News September 4, 2011 To Love and Oneness
Opening Quote:
“Hold love to you like a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and then toss the petals to the world and see what the winds hold for you and how beautiful everything is.”
Heavenletter #2005 - What the Winds Hold for YouQuoted by Lady Isis in
25 Countries new subscribers came from since last Heaven News
Angola Argentina Australia Belgium Brazil Cameroon Columbia Canada Democratic Republic of Congo El Salvador France India Italy Mexico Netherlands Norway Panama Philippines Poland Romania Singapore South Africa Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom
28 U.S. States new subscribers came from since last Heaven News
Alabama Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Iowa Kansas Kentucky Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana New Mexico New York New Jersey Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Puerto Rico Texas Virginia Washington Wisconsin
Welcome 2 new subscribers from countries represented here for the first time ever!
Welcome Marie Josee Lukubika from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire)
Marie Josee (MJ) wrote:
I am delighted to be the first one from my country to subscribe to Heavenletters™. You asked me to tell you about myself. I work for the Biggest communication agency ( and the first one also) Pygma Advertising, a part of Pygma Group based in Kinshasa. I have a degree in Communication and will have my second degree in Public Relations and Marketing next year from the Catholic University of Kinshasa.
Welcome Timoteo from Angola
Timoteo Arao, Linguist, Theologian, Angola
Timoteo wrote:
Glory, I thank God for Heavenletters™. Today I was talking to my wife about Heavenletters, and for the first time it was difficult for me to find words to express my real feelings in relation to this discovery. Of course: «seek and you will find»
Of course, in Angola we speak Portuguese, and I thank God for the gift of languages given by God as well.
I am amazed at how well so many people from other countries have mastered the English language.
Angels Who Spread the Light of Heaven
Stasha Colin

Stasha Colin wrote:
I favorited two of your videos on Facebook. I have a very large connection online & would be happy to post many Heavenletters™.
I am also a singer & song producer. Would I be allowed to post some of your Heaven letters as a song on Yutube video? I reach many on my facebook this way. >From years of working in television, I have many many contacts!
Blessings & am so glad to have met you!
and my youtube with my songs: I would love to meet others on the same path in Los Angeles. Do you know any Heavenreaders out here?
Stasha, yes, please post Heavenletters™, and yes, make a Heaven song video. Wow, your videos are soooo professional! Yes, that would be great to make a Heaven song.
I would LOVE to see a video and song of Heavenletters™!!! This may surprise you -- I would love a fast-paced Heavenletter song, not what everyone would expect a Heaven song to be -- something wild and wonderful and creative – yet respectful! Is that a tall order? Stasha, please know that you are free to make what feels good to your heart. And it will be fun to see what words from Heavenletters™ you choose! Many many thanks.
Ilga Moys
Ilga Moys has been blasting Facebook with Heavenletters™.
Ilga lives in Nice, France. She is fluent in French, German, and English.
Ilga, I can’t seem to get back to your comments on Facebook, sorry, or I would be including some of your posts.
Thank you so much for spreading the light of Heavenletters™.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon, beloved Ilga.
Beca Lewis

Beca Lewis is a long-time Heavenreader. When she wrote her new book, she asked me if I would endorse it. I try not to endorse books. I have to read the book, and I am already doing more than I can keep up with. Somehow, Beca persuaded me even though I told her that, as much as I would like to support her, the chances of my endorsing any book were slim. Well, I really liked Beca’s book. It kept my interest and I read the typed copy Beca sent to me with zeal!
Now Beca’s book is a published book with my 5-star endorsement!
This is what I wrote that is included on her book cover:
“You put a wonderful book together. I loved how you organized it, how you positioned the profound with the concrete, and your honesty. I haven't seen a book quite like this, Beca. I stayed up late to finish it. It was unputdownable. I really, really loved this book!”
—Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter, author of Heavenletters™, Love Letters from God, Winner of Chelson 2004 Inspiration Book Award
And I LOVE Beca’s tagline: Nothing Changes Until You Do
Lady Isis could fill up a whole Heaven News with all the ways she promotes Heavenletters™

Lady Isis publishes a Heavenletter every single day, 7 days a week. In addition, she often includes excerpts from a Heavenletter for her Isis Message of the Day. AND she often adds surprises like this:
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click What message was yours today?
AND Lady Isis frequently publishes the great Godwriting™ of people who have learned Godwriting™ in a Godwriting™ workshop.
The latest she has published is Santhan’s (Heaven Admin’s.) Read this spectacular Godwriting™ here:
Visit the Godwriting™ blog often. Try these:
The comments from Heavenreaders are spectacular. Be sure to read those too!
Chuck Gebhardt, M.D.

If an omnipotent Creator exists, and He chose to speak to us today, how might we know it was Him speaking?
And, so, on his health-oriented blog, Dr. Chuck wrote a whole entry on Heavenletters™. Not only that, the good doctor put together a Grief e-Book made of Heavenletters™ and posted that as its own category on his blog:
Thank you, everyone.
How did you find Heavenletters™?
One of my wishes is to know how every subscriber found Heavenletters™. When the web site is upgraded, maybe we can have the option for new subscribers to say how they found Heavenletters™. I like to know, and I always like to thank the people who bring new subscribers to us, for it is by word of mouth that Heavenletters™ become known.
Claire Stricker, Netherlands, told us how she found Heavenletters:
I found Heavenletters™ through Lilou’s Juicy Living Tour video. She was interviewing Dean Shrock. He has written the book: Why Love Heals. In his book, Dean mentions Heavenletters. That's how I found you. Heavenletters™ immediately touched me profoundly, I am so grateful that Heavenletters exist. Thank you for your work. God bless the Heaven Team -- you are all amazing!
On the same day that Claire discovered Heavenletters™, her husband, Karel, discovered a 4-leaf clover. Are 4-leaf clovers a symbol of good luck in every country? How lucky we are to have Heavenletters™.
Naturally, I wrote to Dean to tell him about Claire and to thank him.
Dean wrote back:
How interesting! I was just preparing for a major interview this weekend by reading the Heavenletters™ book! I love God’s messages! And am 100% thrilled to promote them!
I start each day reading Heavenletters™. Thank you.
Thank you, Dean.
Do you like to look at photos?
Dear Heavenreaders,
Will you kindly send me your photograph? Informal candid photo if possible.
That way I am easily able to connect your name to your photo. Give me a picture, and I am happy.
Sascha from the Netherlands who helps with technical matters gave me this idea recently. Sascha understands that photos are fun for me: “For everyone you want to remember, put a photograph with the person’s name and something you want to remember them for.”
This is Sascha:
Years ago I used to put the photographs of Heavensubscribers up on a large bulletin board in my office. I enjoyed that so much. But now I live in a small apartment and don’t have a color printer anyway. The idea of seeing and keeping your photos makes me happy.
Heaven Admin has already said: “As soon as we do the web site upgrade, let’s have a gallery of photos of Heavenreaders who by reading Heavenletters™ are lifting Earth to Heaven. ”
Here’s are three ways you can do this right now:
- Write a true personal comment from your heart about what Heavenletters™ mean to you and send your photo, comment, and your permission, and Heaven Admin will post your words and photo on the Reader Comment page of the web site where everyone can get to know you. Email to me, please: Gloria [at] Heavenletters [dot] org.
- Register on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community forum and fill out your profile and post your photo, and I can get it from there. If you are already registered and you add your photo, let me know, please.
- Simply email me your photos and say something about yourself.
Thank you for spreading the light of Heaven.
With love and blessings,
Gloria and the Spectacular Heaven Team
P.S. Rahad Daughtrey posted his photo on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum. Thank you, Rahad.
Rahad Daughtrey -
Ending God Quote:
Whenever you feel love in your heart, that’s Me you feel…It is really not that We share your heart. It is all Mine, beloveds. That is how We are One. I am introducing you to yourself which is Myself. I say to Myself, “How do you do?” And I answer Myself, “I am doing very well, thank You.” You ask Me, “What is Your name?” I reply, “My name is Love.” And you say in awe, “Why, that is my name too.”Heavenletter #1673 One Heart in the Universe
Quoted by Lady Isis in