The New Heaven News July 4, 2011 The Little Things
Opening God Quote
“Rather than seeking for grandness to do for Me, do everything for Me, every little thing.”
Heavenletter #3865, All That You Have Been Given
HAPPY 4th OF JULY! Let’s declare our independence from ego.
New subscribers from all over the world and U.S

New Heavensubscribers came from these countries since last Heaven News
Bosnia Canada France Germany India Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Netherlands Norway Switzerland United Kingdom
New Heavensubscribers from these United States since last Heaven News
California Colorado Florida Hawaii Illinois Indiana Louisiana Minnesota New Hampshire Nevada New York Oregon Virginia Washington
Welcome back, Sascha!
Sascha wrote: Yugoslavian was a mix of Serbo-Croatian that was recognized as the official language, and everybody spoke it. Bosnian, Croatian etc. are dialects that differ slightly with the exception of Slovenia and Macedonia . The country, Yugoslavia , does not officially exist anymore. Technically, this new subscriber is Bosnian, and I am Serbian.
Thanks, Sascha!
Welcome, Biljana, first subscriber from Bosnia !
Welcome, Marilu, second subscriber from Micronesia !
Success! We heard back from Korean translator, Vera of Light
Dear Gloria,
Oh, I am so glad to read the Heavenletter News and find you are talking to me. Whenever I read Heavenletters, I am greatly encouraged and enlightened by their divine nourishments. It is my delight to read and absorb all the meaning, and translation is part of my study/effort to understand the messages thoroughly. So I'm translating all the letters for my study.
Although I have studied English since university, I never have lived or studied in English-using countries. I am not satisfied with every translation I do and only publish those I am satisfied with, although I hope to have every translation ready to be published on my site in the future.
Since our aim is to spread God's teachings to as many people as possible for the awakening of the humanity, I give on the basis of cocreation/contribution to the God's Project of humanity's awakening and ascension.
Gloria responds to Vera:
Dear Vera, it is clear that you are embracing God’s Project from the fullness of your heart. I will tell you what is required of Heavenletter translators. This is what I think matters the most:
Simply their love of Heavenletters and their desire to translate. This is how I have trust in the beautiful translators we are privileged to have. Their hearts are in the right place.
If we had the wherewithal to pay for a translator, I would choose you over the most expert Korean translator in the world because your heart embraces Heavenletters. In fact, I don’t think there are better translators of Heavenletters than the ones we are privileged to have. Like you, they care. Like you, they are conscientious. Like you, they give from love. There is no better than this.
Thank you, beloved Vera.
Don’t you just love to see the faces of new people who have registered on Heaven Forum with photos?
Sample Godwriting gems from Godwriters who came to the recent Let’s Godwrite Together workshop
God said: “Every small kindness creates a better world -- we all influence the world when helping others. Look forward to each day as an opportunity to add positive influences. You will notice when to act, you will see what's needed. Keep talking to Me.”
Jacqueline Signori, Writer, Teacher
God said: “Look deeper and see the One Point of All. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Real Love. Divine Love. Not ‘in love.’ Being Love. The Love of our Being, of all Beings. LOVE is all there is and is expressed in creation in all its various ways. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.”
Laura Weinberg, Artist
God said: “Your heart is opening more to Me when you sit to write Me in this way. Do you notice a more expansive feeling in your being? In our exchange I love to fill you up with My love. As you grow in My love and are filled with My Divine Presence, you become more of a beacon of Light in this world. The world is growing in Light and you are helping to spread this Light.”
Ginger Nelson, Writer
God said: “In the darkness I am. In the pain I am. In the fear I am. In the meanness and all things that humans can say and do, there am I, for Who can help with forgiveness?”
Joyce Schindler, Artist
God said: “[Godwriting] is good training because you are not filtering anything through the ego or preconceived notions...your awareness is more and more centered upon are feeling inner peace that other people cannot but notice and often comment upon. Opening this communication not only allows Me to bring out your light, but it also allows Me to wipe the slate clean from past error thinking and illusions and pull back the veil to what is real.”
Stephen S. Hopson, Author, Obstacle Illusions, Motivational Speaker
Aren’t the above samples simply wonderful?
Download and print a gift of posters from Russ Michael

Lady Isis does it again!

Lady Isis publishes a Heavenletter in her newsletter every single day. And when she quotes from a Heavenletter on her Message of the Day, it is a bonus:
"All the time that you are fussing with the finite world and perceived problems, you are sailing on the Good Ship Infinity. What do you gain by seeing otherwise? Perhaps you give yourself the idea that you are a hands-on handler of the finite. Beloveds, the finite is handling you."
I love the ezine Transcendence!
Jo Petzer, the editor of Transcendence, gives great attention to Heavenletters. In the June issue, she wrote:
This month’s articles place a common emphasis on energy and action; taking responsibility for yourself and making things happen. We are coaxed in Heaven Letters™ to open our hearts and let our inner light shine forth in warmth and love, which is a great starting action as, unless we are able to love not only others, but also ourselves, we will not allow ourselves to take further action towards our own transcendence.
Ending God Quote
"Do not overlook the power of the little things. A word. A glance. A deed."
Heavenletter #3865, All That You Have Been Given
lovely newsletter
what a lovely newsletter we have here. rather than a newsletter, I see it more as a circulair that connects us heavenletterreaders (and writers) to connect and lets us fine-tune in on a certain frequency that is the light before us that we want to follow.
heavenletters makes it easy for us to free up our attention towards giving and sharing love.
it is such a blessing. and we, the readers and do-ers, we keep on generating love, freeing up the attention towards love, which is becoming an oilspil (by lack of a better word) that becomes bigger and bigger.
hooray for heavenletters and everyone who's involved and of course for Gloria,
love, mIchael
Interesting what you say,
Interesting what you say, Michael. Thank you. Looking forward to more from you.
Where's your photo?!!! Please email it and/or post it!
With love and blessings,