The New Heaven News July 4, 2010 One World
Opening God Quote:
If Time and Space existed, where would Timelessness, Immortality, Eternity, Forevermore, and Vastness and Infinity and Truth and Love exist? Time and Space would make them untrue. And where would I exist if boundaries were true? And you? And you? Where would you exist if boundaries were true?
New Subscribers from 34 Countries since last issue of Heaven News:
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile Columbia France Germany Guatemala Hong Kong Indonesia Ireland India Italy Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Philippines Portugal Puerto Rico Rwanda Singapore Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Trinibad and Tobago Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom
Welcome, Fi Dele, first subscriber from Rwanda
Fi Delle wrote:
I am very glad to hear kind words and encouragements from God’s child. I am 27 years I was born here and I live here. I live with my family and try to take care of them. I am called by the grace of God and I like to learn each day from above.
The meaning of my name is faithful. We are poor family but I do not count poverty because God is able to supply all of our needs more than we could ask for or think of. To get enough to eat is hard for us, but we are in the same roof of our father. We will see His hand upon each day.
I think that the way you can reach many people in country it’s easily to meet them face to face, cause are few who use internet comparing with other nations surrounding our country. By the grace of God I know English and to use internet as well, so, my sister, you can ask me more details you would like to know from our country.
I will visit your website and learn more, and pass my greetings to all brethren over there.
Your brother, Rukeribuga Fidele
The Republic of Rwanda, known as the Land of a Thousand Hills, is a landlocked country in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, bordered by Uganda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Tanzania. Although close to the equator, the country has a cool temperate climate due to its high elevation. The terrain consists mostly of grassy uplands and gently rolling hills.

Rwanda has received considerable international attention due to its 1994 struggles. Since then the country has made a recovery and is now considered as a model for developing countries. In 2009 a report labeled Rwanda as Africa's biggest success story, having achieved stability, economic growth (average income has tripled in the past ten years) and international integration.
The capital, Kigali, is the first city in Africa to be awarded the Habitat Scroll of Honor Award in the recognition of its cleanliness, security and urban conservation model." In 2008, Rwanda became the first country to elect a national legislature in which a majority of members were women. Rwanda joined the Commonwealth of Nations on 29 November 2009 as its fifty-fourth member, marking the country one of only two in the Commonwealth without a British colonial past.
Hello and Goodbye to Translating Angels and other Volunteers
Every day for two years, without fail, Christine Duirat, a medical doctor, faithfully translated Heavenletters into French. Before we had any idea that Christine would not be able to translate forever – how easy it is to get used to a good thing -- two new French translators catapulted onto the scene! Of course, we welcomed them. And then we discovered that they had come in the nick of time and would keep French subscribers receiving Heavenletters without interruption.
Christine wrote:
I will do any necessary thing before leaving you. I am so happy that two French translators come before I have to leave this divine job where I feel such a pleasure, being so grateful to meet that in this time of my life! I can't leave you without giving all help for the news translators. They can ask me all they want to do everything easily. And I stay with you because if they need some help sometime, and if I can help, no problem! I am here!
Christine, we will always think of you with great gratitude. Please keep in touch with us, chere Christine!
And now, Normand Bourque and Jean-Christophe are serving God and French readers beautifully.
Jean-Christophe lives in Paris, France! And Normand, originally from French-speaking Canada, now lives in Australia.
Here is Normand in my favorite photo – Normand is the one in the middle!
Normand has been active in Heavenletters on the forum and the blog for a long time. Normand, who is an anthropologist, wrote:
"Heavenletters shine very High. They unconditionally serve the Universe. God has and is His own Theory of Universe, and Heavenletters are a source of Inspiration for the real foundations of Science, the Science of Light, Love and Creation."
And here is Jean-Christophe:
Jean Christophe wrote:
"I woke up at 4am with a quiet and awesome feeling. I visited Heaven Letters website and I started almost naturally translating into French the heaven letter of the day, without striving or struggling. Now I give some help to translate in French early Heaven letters. My picture was taken in Cambridge, Massachusetts, when I was attending summer school in Boston two years ago! A thousand blessings to all!"
A thousand blessings to all the translators, past, present, and future!

Nancy Caisuli of North Carolina is also playing a big part in sending out translations:
Nancy has been teaching nursing on the baccalaureate level for many years. Nancy is replacing irreplaceable Kirt McCurdy. Kirt, please keep in touch with us, okay?
Every day Nancy sends out Croatian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Russian translations. Once we have the new web site upgrade, hopefully in September, sending translations will be incredibly automatic, and Nancy will be relieved of this responsibility and will help us in a thousand ways! Nancy is incredibly organized and on top of things, and she is so needed. Nancy, you may not know it, but you are practically on vacation now! Wait until you try to get me organized!
Nancy wrote a beautiful note of service that I can't find – do you see how much you are needed, Nancy? – but it went something like this:
I totally understand the volume of work that is upon your shoulders. All I want to do is to help. It's time I gave back.
God really does send the right people.
Mauro Yacuzzi, in Argentina, I didn't forget you! You have been tried and true about sending out translations for six years. Please know how much you are appreciated.
The Importance of Feedback
As you can imagine, hearing from Heavenreaders is a boost. I would be hard-pressed without your comments on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum and the blog
Below is Daniela Knapic who has been faithfully translating Heavenletters into Croatian for over four years!
Daniela just recently received her first response from a Heavenreader. Of course, we do what we do for God, yet it takes incredible dedication to translate for so many years without one word from any reader of your translations.
Neris, a subscriber from Croatia, wrote to Daniela:
This knowledge is so beautiful, so healing for the average human soul that had learned to live unconscious of these small and yet so powerful potentials of her own soul, her capability to love, to be peaceful and to share it with other people.
Isn't that beautiful? Neris, will you send us a photo of you?
When Daniela received Neris' comment, she wrote to me:
It made me happy. Somebody is reading.
Whether you are a reader of translations or not, you can post comments to the translators. And, Daniela, and other translators, we would love to see your thoughts and feelings on the forum.
Engin Vural, who has translated Heavenletters into Turkish forever received a comment about Heavenletter #3486 from Berna Dirican, a yoga teacher in Istanbul!
Berna wrote:
Canım Enginicim, bugünün şifası senden vesile oldu; gözüne, gönlüne sağlık olsun! (Today's healing has come through you, thank you!) love you!!! Keep up the good work, because me and the 100000000000.... spirits on the planet earth need it whole heartedly!!! muckkk muckkkk muckkk :)))))))))) [This is English Smack, smack, smack for a big kiss!]
And from Sophia Dijkhuis to Dutch translator, Luus, in the Netherlands:
Sophia wrote:
Thank you so much for the wonderful Heavenletters every day, they're amazing! God's humor is really the best in the world.
I went to Sophia's blog and I see she is posting Dutch Heavenletters! Thank you, Sophia!
Both Christine and Luus translated last Heaven News into French and Dutch respectively, including their translations of Bernie Siegel's poem from his upcoming book Self and God that, incidentally, I'm privileged to write the foreword to. Both Bernie and Diane Katz, Publisher, were delighted to read Out of My Mind in other languages. That was lovely, his poem translated, even before publication.
Such a gift!
Stefan Gracher, who, along with Theophil Balz, translates Heavenletters into German, is making beautiful jewelry, and he is making a ring for me as a gift. I am so touched. Above is the rough stone Stefan is using.
Here are a few samples of Stefan's beautiful designs:

See more of Stefan's jewelry here:
Stefan, thank you so much. Very dear of you.
Heaven's Vision & New Heaven Sightings page
Will you share your ideas on Heaven's recently published vision statement here:
A new page for posting sightings of Heavenletters around the wold and web:
Many thanks to all the fine e-zines and newsletters that publish Heavenletters regularly.
Heavenreaders, thank you all.
Ending God Quote:
There is not one thread of life that is not connected to another. Not one. All is interconnected. A thread is woven and unseen. It may take a year or ten or a thousand before that thread is seen again. There are no dropped stitches in life. A seed planted years ago will sprout and spread new seeds of itself. A remarkable quilt is being woven, ever continuing, never-ending
Heaven twitter
Follow Heavenletters on Twitter. Tweet your friends with #heavenletters or #heaven in the tweet. Add the Heaven Twitter feed to your rss reader.
My heart is brimming with love
For each of the pictures and persons commented on in this beautiful news letter for Heaven Letters my heart is just brimming with love. I thank each of them for what they give and have given.
Canim Gloria, recent Heaven News made me and Berna very happy.
I think, Heavenletters are always being read by the people who needs them, on the right day. Yes, the number of the readers are not millions but the messages reach people who is in need and who is able to comprehend them....
Besides, Şifa Çemberi ( The association which organized the Godwriting Seminere in İstanbul) goes on sending out Heavenletters to its members once or couple of times a month:)))
loving you
Sarya has fever today. On Tuesday we took her Abant Lake (you can see the pic.s at facebook) and I guess she caught cold there...
Dear Gloria: Than you so
Dear Gloria:
Than you so much for mention me in the Heaven news - now I must list a lot of more stuff on the online shop, LoL !
By the way the ring is on the way to you!