The Necessity of God

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 


Dear God in Heaven, what would You like to tell us this morning?


Set your sights high. Unless your sights are set high, you flail in the wind. There has to be in your awareness something beyond the day to day.

Whatever the adventure on earth, it ends.

Your attention must be on the endless so you can know your continuity.

When your attention is on detail, and on detail alone, you become a fractured piece of life, a detail yourself, as it were.

When your attention is on the magnitude, you become the magnitude.

When you think of Me, it is like tying loose ends. It is wrapping things up. Putting them in their rightful place. Not stray but housed, and housed royally.

You have to be more than your day-to-day existence or you falter and drag one foot after another.

You must know you come from some place, and are on your way somewhere.

How many people have tirefully said, "There must be more to life than this."

And, of course, they are right. There is the mundane, and there is the celestial. There is down-to-earth, and there is up-to-Heaven.

They co-exist.

Remember who you are.

You are an earthling, and you are a Heaven-ling.

You are My connection to Myself. I am your connection to yourself.

Higher and lower are words of earth, not Heaven.

If I were to draw a diagram, it would be of a circle. Your attention wants to be on more than one spot in the circle.

You know you go round and round in life.

Imagine yourself spread out on this circle, your head, hands, and feet become points of a star, a five-pointed star, and then you spin on the wheel of life.

Stillness and movement is all there is. Love and activity. Whirling and quiet. Quiet in the whirling, whirling in the quiet.

Do you feel again your connection to Me? It is mighty, Our connection. It is the greatest bond of all. It is unbreakable. It is undeniable, although there are those who deny it, as did you for most of your life.

How impatient you are, and how patient am I.

We could call patience the stillness, and impatience the activity. What is impatience but tapping of the foot?

Surrender to Me is stopping the noise for a little while. And isn't that what you want to do?

Wasn't there a movie or play called, Stop the World — I Want to Get Off!?

And, of course, you do. The thick and thin of activity wear you down. You need to close your eyes sometimes and rest with Me. I am right there beneath your eyelids.

I am ready at the snap of your finger.

You know, you couldn't make it through one day without Me.

Fortunately, you have Me!

So, avail yourself of Me. Why not?


God, why is it that we find You, lose You, find You, lose You. At least, that is what I seem to do.


Your attention wanders off, and your attention comes back. I am here all of the time, of course.

It is like when you have a familiar route you travel. Sometimes, without thinking, you find yourself on that familiar route instead of the one you meant to be on.

You say to yourself, "I'm not going the way I meant. I'll get onto the way I meant to."

And then you turn in another direction.

You keep on doing this until the time comes when you automatically stay on the road you meant to.

Call it the high road, if you like.

You know, it is the other road that points you to Me, makes you know where you re, and where you want to be.

Be grateful for all of your life because it leads you to Me.


God, when I sat down to write this morning, I thought: "I don't have anything to ask. Is God here this morning? Does He have something to say? Maybe this is the time I fear when God doesn't have anything to say to me."


But you found I was here with plenty to say nevertheless.

That is how I am in regular life. I am always here for you.

Ask for Me. Call on My Name.

* * *

Update on Lila who asked about saving Planet Earth:


Dear Gloria, you got the spirit of my question just right. And the answer from Mother Divine was so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. Now I know the right thing to do for all of us, including Mother Earth.

Now what about this writing class? I'm ready.