The Music of the Spheres

God said:

Once upon a time there was no time. There was no upon. There was no once. There was no language. There was no contradiction. There was no dispute. There was no surface for superficiality to exist. All was Truth, unbottled. Pure Truth right from the Source the way water comes from a spring and you cup it into your hands. The water was untouched until you cupped it.

There was no you. I could say you were contained in everything, but there was no everything for you to be contained in. And yet you were Being. You existed in My heart. I birthed you in My heart, and yet you never were born. You were Myself undivided. Sumptuous was Our Oneness, although Oneness was the only thing there was. Oneness was not made of many things. It was made of Itself. We could say heaped on itself and yet Oneness was all there was and could not be heaped.

Oneness was not known as Oneness because who was there to know it? It was not sought after, for who was there to seek it? Who was there to acknowledge it? Who was there to whisper Oneness when there was no one to hear? Oneness was all that there was, and, beloveds, Oneness is all that there is.

I am the One God of Oneness.

The only difference from this state of Oneness then and now is that I started to hum, and My hum became a Song of Creation. From My hum of joy, a universe sprang. My hum continues. And My hum continues in you.

What is vibration but a hum? I make One Sound, and from it many timbres came, yet I hum as I first did hum. I hum One Note and you are the trills that come off My One Sound. You play yourself a merry tune.

Consider yourself the Music of the Spheres, for that is what you are.

I gave you who is Myself a ball to play with, and that ball is called Earth. I set it in motion so you could twirl it on the tip of your finger.

I made a patch of stars in something you call the sky so that you would remember your connectedness to the One Light That Shines. It shines in your heart as well. The stars are a component of your Being. Did you know that? There is nothing that is not. The moon glows within you. Other planets revolve within you. Rivers run through you. And yet, there is no you for rivers to run through.

My hum that became a Song of Creation extended itself so there would be an echo of My Song. You are that echo. You are that reverberation that returns to Me. It is you whose sound reverberates from mountain to mountain and is heard in the valleys. It is you.

You are My heartstrings. It is My Guitar that you strum. Inasmuch as I have no guitar, it must be that you are My Guitar, and you are the hand that strums for My sake.

You call back to Me, and you say My Name, and I hear beautiful music ushering from your soul. You carry My tune. You try to carry My tune. Only sometimes you don't reach the high notes, even though you are perfectly capable of them. You clear your throat. You try again until you get it right, until there is no difference between the song I sing, the music you hear and the music you vibrate, and so you return to the Oneness of the Great Hummer of All. You return as clear crystal. You return as that pure water you drank at the Spring.