The March of Time, the Wings of Eternity
Dear Mother Divine and God, Karen called last night! I'm so glad. She was going through stuff, as was I, as was Florence.
Karen suggested that I ask you, Mother Divine — she calls you Mary — how Karen and I communicate in the spirit world. So I am asking!
Mother Divine:
Your one soul meets in Heaven and embraces itself. It communicates in love. Your one soul needs no words. It just takes its place, unites and embraces itself, breathes a sigh of completion.
You and Karen are not of two separate souls. You are one soul that has split into two, and there are more of you, dear Gloria.
In Heaven, you are nameless. Or we could say, your name is Love, God's Love, Pure Love, Mother Divine Love.
Your soul's breaking into parts was not a destruction but a blessing for earth, and for you both, because it is easy to see God in one another and therefore yourself.
One soul meets its other half or quarters, as the case may be, and that recognition ignites the heart and raises its vibration further. It is like having extra cushions to sit on.
It is good.
Karen indicated that Florence is also part of this circle she and I make. I don't know if that is the same as one soul. Florence is also very dear to me, and I am so glad she is in my life, but I don't feel the same meltingness as I do with Karen.
Mother Divine:
You are getting into technicalities. What is, is. You could say that you and Karen have an identical vibration. Yours and Florence's is almost identical.
Each note has its sweetness. A isn't B and so on. Each strikes its own chord with you.
There is also that Karen freed me on deep levels.
Mother Divine:
Yes, there is that too. And Karen would be the first to tell you that God freed you. Be glad, as you are, and be grateful to God, your Father Who is the Benefactor of All.
A Course in Miracles, Lesson 300:
"Only an instant does this world endure. This is a thought which can be used to say that death and sorrow are the certain lot of all who come here, for their joys are gone before they are possessed, or even grasped. Yet this is also the idea that lets no false perception keep us in its hold, nor represent more than a passing cloud upon a sky eternally serene. And it is this serenity we seek, unclouded, obvious and sure today … We seek Your world today. For we, Your loving Sons, have lost our way a while … And we give thanks today the world endures but for an instant. We would go beyond that tiny instant to eternity."
Dear Almighty Father, what will You say to me?
We have traveled many miles together, many lifetimes, eons of participation in the momentary world, and it all is nothing but a passage. And now you leave that passage, its narrowness, its confines, and find yourself in vastness opening to all Heaven.
Time is heavy. This instant of eternity is light. You are part of eternity, as are all My created children.
The march of time is heavy-footed. The wings of eternity are light. Now it is time for eternity.
It is a little switch like on a train track, and then you are on another track, co-existent, yet another speed, another purpose, another direction, and another world.
The stillness of time is eternity. Time unmoving, not taking up space, is eternity. Eternity is not lengthened time. It is out of time.
It is this moment we share. It is this handclasp. It is this kiss, this look into My eyes, this picking of a flower, this greatness.
You are walking a vertical circle, like a Ferris wheel. That is human life. A kind of spinning. On earth, but not of earth. A touch of music. A heart-pull. A call to Heaven. It is in-sight. You are My in-sight, My sight-in, or sight-out, and I am your In-Sight.
Well, enough words this morning. Come to Me in your meditation, and We will rest in a moment of eternity in Our arms of Love, and We will know Ourselves, and Our innermost love and Our deepest communion which is without words, without anything but Itself, just Us, just One, just meeting in air in Eternity for a moment or twenty or maybe forever in the nothingness of everything.
Dear Heavenly Father, Brad asked me to ask you on his behalf — what would You want him to know?
I want Brad to know Truth. I want Brad to live in the moment and not in the future. I want Brad to savor every moment of his life now and not want for something better later. Life is now. This is the life I have given Brad, and it is to be honored.
If his mother makes him a meal, he doesn't say: I don't want boiled potatoes. I want baked. I will wait for baked before I eat. He doesn't say, Peas aren't good enough for me. There is something better, and I will wait for that and push those peas aside.
Today is the feast His Heavenly Father has put before him. The weather is not important. The scenery doesn't matter. It doesn't matter which people. It matters to enjoy what is put before him.
Life in the world is life in the world. That is where My children live. I gave it to them to enjoy. They bless me with every moment of joy they wring from the day.
Tell Brad to enjoy his days now, right where he is. They are precious days and will not come back.
Tell Brad how important he is to Me and to the world. He serves me best with honest joy. Tell Brad he is to be what he is right now, perfect or imperfect, and I say he is perfect as he is right now.
A treasure on earth like Brad sets an example for others through his joy — nothing less. Accomplishments don't matter. Wealth doesn't matter. Honors do not matter.
What matters is today. The one-in-a-lifetime day. When he honors this day, he honors Me.
Life is good enough. It is the meal I have set before him. I wish Brad to be pleased with My gift of the day.
Tell Brad to name each day. Tell him tomorrow's day is to be named Fun. Were he in a prison, I would tell him the same. If he were taking a serious examination, I would tell him the same.
Brad is sitting on the top of the earth. It would be well for him to notice it rather than looking someplace else.
Tell Brad it is good to look up — and he will see Me — but not to look far away. There is enough before him right now.
Suggest to Brad that he write down all his desires and put his list in a book and not look at the list or put attention on it for a year, and then he can look to see how many of his desires I have fulfilled and he has accepted.
Tell Brad he is not to try, but to leave to Me when the chimes will ring.
Express to Brad My great love for him and his goodness on earth. Those two things ensure his fulfillment and his peace on earth.