The Limits of Anger

God said:

You can take action without anger. You can solve situations without anger. Anger is a signaler. It is not meant to be a ruler.

Anger lets you know there is something that needs tending to. Perhaps you have been sweeping something under the carpet.

You are always the cause of your own anger. It is your frustration after all.

Do not think that I am saying anger is not worthy. Anger serves its purpose of awakening you. But anger is not to live by.

You want to take care of anger, the way you would an unruly child. Anger IS an unruly child. You are piqued at something and then your pique grows to anger. Something in you gets irritated. It is not usually what you think.

There is a sensitive spot within you that gets irritated. It was already irritated, and then something else scratched it and brought it to your attention.

Not everything makes you angry. Only some things. Consider that fomenting anger comes from something in the past. Do not pretend it away. Take a good look at it and see what its message is. Ultimately, you are angry with yourself.

Somehow you placed yourself in that situation you find yourself in.

Wrest knowledge about yourself from that situation, and change what you can. And if you cannot make great changes at this moment, do what can be done at this moment.

Put anger in its place. It does not have to be at the front of your life. Admit, you are angry at your anger. Anger is maddening. You've got to do something with it. Address it. State your case to yourself. Your anger belongs to you. It does not belong to the people surrounding it. Acquaint yourself with what makes you angry. The situation is the offense. Do not displace your anger onto people. They would not be offenders except that you are in the situation you are in.

If you are a student, and a teacher makes you angry, the teacher is a symbol of your anger. Just as you are not the real cause of your teacher's anger, he isn't the cause of yours. You are players on the same stage with wants and desires yet unfulfilled. Start fulfilling them, and anger will disperse.

It is such a simple thing for someone to say Sorry. Say the word. It can trip off your tongue and change an entire situation, the same way Thank you can. Do not give excuses. Simply apologize instead. Acknowledge the facts.

In the case of the teacher, say: "I did my homework hastily. I didn't take the time. I'm sorry." Do not say what intervened, as if you were a hapless pawn. You chose not to do your homework well. No one and nothing else bears responsibility.

In the same vein, take responsibility for your anger. Do not foist it on who happens to be around. You are sorry you have anger. You can apologize to yourself.

Let your anger be a quick thing and then over. Notice it, do what's necessary, and let it go. As soon as you notice your anger, it has served its purpose.

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