The Fallibility of Events
If it were always in your best interest to have everything the way you want, that's what you would have. Whatever it may seem, the untoward that befalls you is not your downfall. If you had My view, you would know that. But you do not have My view. You have yours. Sometimes you are heart-broken at what befalls. It is really your attachment that breaks.
Even if you could accept, no matter how disguised it may appear, that good can come from whatever happens, you still might not like it. You would prefer something else.
First of all, there is a tendency for My beautiful children to ward off change, particularly change that is not of their own making. Or not of their desire, not yet anyway. You would rather put off change or certain change while you take time to think about it. But sometimes, action has to take place. Sometimes you need a nudge or a push or a shove, and you get it. Is that not so?
For reasons known or unknown — something comes to you, or you to it.
You may have been offered it many times before, and not paid attention, and then one day, it inserts itself in front of you. Life corrals you sometimes.
Looking back, sometimes you can follow the threads in your life that linked together for ultimate good. Sometimes you can see it in others' lives and not in your own. And sometimes by no stretch of the imagination can you possibly see it. There are things in Human life that defy understanding. There is no satisfactory explanation for them in Human terms. There simply is not.
It is easy to accept the beautiful events that surpass understanding. You accept those readily enough. Something wonderful comes to you unbidden, and you don't mind that you don't know how you earned it or deserved it or if you did. You put that questioning aside. You are heaped with blessings that come to you, and you pick them up readily. As you should. As you should.
But when something transpires that is not beautiful to you, you question it backwards and forwards. You argue it. You wrestle it. Your resistance is the real struggle. The adversity is in your refusal. Something has happened, and you refuse it. It has already happened and you protest. You fight the past in that case.
You have to know that you are not less loved because of something that occurs. You are not more loved either. You are loved. You are My beloved. What you see as misfortune has an underside to it. Death has its bounty just as much as life does. Fortune and misfortune both seem to come with what you would call a price. With fortune, you call it reward. With misfortune, you call it penalty. You do not always know the difference, My beloveds.
You cannot absorb understanding of suffering in life. It is not that simple. I will not tell you suffering is good. I will not tell you that injustice is good. I will not tell you that starvation is good.
I will tell you, however, that everything is for something. Everything serves a purpose that is beyond itself. You are where you are, not as a result, but for a purpose. Think not so much about reward or penalty, but purpose. Reward and penalty are accumulations of the past. Purpose is in the present. You are where you are for a purpose. What is it?
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