The Beauty of Relative Life

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear Heavenly Father, another thing that Karen said was that people can change. This is a beautiful enlightened statement. People can change.


When you think about it, that is a theme that has always interested you. What is inspirational reading about but that? Way back you read Thomas Merton's life, for example. The beauty of the relative life is that there is change, growth, forward direction. Whatever it is called, it is ever closer to Me.

What Sandra's husband needs is a Thought of Me, and his whole spirit will lighten, and a spark will ignite in his heart.

The beauty of relative life is that there is always a second chance and another and another. That is what relative life is for.


Back to Dr. Kevorkian, during the trial, I couldn't help but feel that the prosecuting attorney, who seemed so sure and seemed not to have a drop of mercy in him, if he ever were so ill and in so much constant unendurable pain, he, too, might wish for a Dr. Kevorkian.


Last night Mother Divine suggested that you put your mind on other things. These are not issues for you. Your attention belongs on other matters, though I appreciate your concern, and I know how you do not want anyone to suffer, including Dr. Kevorkian.

Gloria, you are being stuck on appearances, what seems to be, what it looks like, what the world says. You are getting caught up in a level of life that not you or anyone can satisfactorily sort out. Put your attention on the Joy of God.

Better for you to ask, "Dear God, what would You like me to do for You today." Just in asking, do you not feel lightened?


Yes, I do.


So, ask that question every morning, or any time you find yourself slipping into the coils of Court TV or some such, and turn your attention to Me.


Thank You. One more thing, if I may, Jon said something on the phone yesterday about how he experiences the Presence of God, and then it is hard to match that up with what he may say or do to one of Your children.

I know what he means. Even right after this clear communicating with you, sometimes I think of someone or something and my thoughts are unkind.


When that happens, let it go. Proceed from there.

To progress towards love does not mean you will always greet everyone or every thought with glee.

Jon and you think you are supposed to have "arrived" when all the time you are in process of "arriving". In this process, you do not adapt a holiness that you do not feel. It is a misconception, that you will never entertain a human erring thought because you have had a glimpse My heart and felt My ever-widening Presence.

When you recognize that you have been less than holy in your thoughts or outward actions, then ask, "Dear God, what would You like me to do for You today?"

Then you will feel yourself back in My Presence, and you will come closer to My Heart and Mind.


Jon also expressed that he would like to see You in a form, as a form. He knows You are in everyone, but he would like to see You. I have heard other people express this wish also.


I am not yet real to them, for why would they wish to limit Me? Seek Me, yes, but, to the best of My knowledge, I will not appear as a great Figure bursting out of the cloud or some such.

My angels can be seen by the human eye and mind. Evidence of Me can be seen. My Power can be felt, My Glory experienced, but a comprehensive outlined human point of Me will not materialize. That is trying to fit Me into human parameters where I cannot be fit.

I can be known. That is enough.

I am Light. To see a denser physical form of your God would not making anyone happy. Let them play with that thought if they like, but it is a diversion. What would they have Me wear? How big would I be? What color? I cannot be relegated to time and space, dear friends, when they are illusions and do not exist, while I am real and do exist.

Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, what will you say?

Mother Divine:

I am here laughing and laughing at the idea of Father God wearing a suit or a crown or having feet and walking! I am bursting with laughter and love for the humanness that would desire it.

Gloria, have you yet asked God the question he suggested this morning?


I will ask it now. Dear God, what would You like me to do for You today?

Mother Divine:

What does He say?


He said, "Answer the question yourself."

Mother Divine:

What do you think God would want?


He would want me to do whatever I do joyously. He would like me to think of Him. He would like me to make something easier for someone. He would want me to find opportunities to give truthful love, like a thought or action, however small. He would want me to be who I am, not as a restriction, but as the truth of His creation. He would want me to not rush, not judge, criticize, but to share Him with everyone in every moment, with my two little dogs, with my house, with my telephone, with the trees and the sky.

I think, Mother Divine, if I can just receive God today beyond when I am writing His words and yours, then it will be automatic that I do for Him what He would like me to do.

Mother Divine:

Today, Gloria, will you keep a little record of the day? Will you jot down anything you do that is in line with God's Love? Maybe you are aware before or after or during, but when you are aware of it, write it down. I see your great willingness to serve God and do whatever you do in His light, is that not true?



Mother Divine:

Then it is easy. With your willingness, you come from the right angle, and your success in today is assured.

The first thing for you to write is:

1. "I greet this day with the love of God in my heart and my intention to serve Him well and make Him happy.

2. "I consciously carry God in my heart today. I remind myself that I carry God in my heart."

Now today you will write down examples.


I make my bed happily. I really leap up to do it. Oops, I haven't meditated yet. I will go into my meditation with joy. What joy awaits me in this meditation? I vow today to do things only with joy. If it is not my joy, I will not do it.



Dear Mother Divine, here is my report on today.

The big one I think was that I got a personal note of rejection from a literary agent. It was brutal. I credit the man with his integrity, saying what he thought, and he took the trouble to write a personal note. Although I was shocked, and I still feel shocked, I felt and feel compassion for him and genuinely want him to find his connection to God. No one could protest so much about God's words, disbelieve them so much unless he wanted God a lot and feels God is too far away from him and everyone for Him to even exist, let alone to be found.

This is also a chance for me to become stronger. I will continue to send HEAVEN out with love.

I also responded quickly to Sandra who had concerns about her husband's health, to Margaret who has made an appointment with Karen, and I forwarded an email praising Karen to the high heavens to a few people who could use that kind of encouragement, and to Karen also. I loved my puppies today, and I remembered God a lot. I made my bed happily. I cooked and ate happily. Washed dishes happily. Appreciated Lauren who is being sweet beyond words. And I honestly don't think I had a negative thought about anyone!

Mother Divine:

Very good. Keep this up.

Gloria to God:

Dear God, what would You like to tell me tonight?


It was nice spending the day with you. And don't mind about that rejection. That will help you learn to be neutral, won't it?




That rejection note is like a wind that passes by. It is nothing. And you understood that literary agent very well. You will meditate soon, and there is still this evening for you to notice ways to make Me happy, Beloved.