That Certain Lamp of Yours

God said:

Not one of you begins to know your value, and your value to Me. Oh, yes, sometimes you ride high on the hog, but most of the time, you settle for the limits the world has placed on you. Most of the time, you feel more like an ox pulling a cart than a Divine Human Being. Oxen, no more nor less than you, know what purpose they are serving, but it is safe to say that oxen know their Ox-ness. They do not know the word Oxen, but they truly live the beingness of oxen to the hilt.

Sometimes you wonder what animals think they are and what they’re doing on Earth. And yet you, much of the time, don’t know what you are and what you are doing on Earth. You may not contemplate being a Human Being as a giant privilege you were granted. You may see being a Human Being more as a low-paying job, and you a draft animal pulling a cart, not knowing what’s inside the cart nor where you are going with it.

But you, beloveds, are Divine Human Beings. You are not less. You were given to Earth to bless the animals and all of Earth. You were not intended to be a drone nor to see yourself as one. You fill a particular holy place. You have a unique far-reaching assignment that only you can fulfill. You are the only one who arrived on Earth in the particular time and space you did and to the parents you did and to the life you did. And you are the only one who can fulfill your destiny.

There is a point in time and space when you take over the responsibility for yourself, and this is when you begin to see a vaster horizon and feel drawn to the part you are to play. It is very vague to you, and yet you are drawn to it. You know it is there waiting for you. You know it is at hand. It is so close, you can almost taste it.

You are an Expanded Being. You are not hobbled, nor are you bent over. You are a tall Human Being, and you must stand tall. You are beginning to acquire some sense of your being present on Earth for a reason, and a reason that will bring you and the world happiness. You are not here to just put in your time. Your life is not to be idled away. Nor is it to be lived for you and your own enjoyment alone. You are to enjoy and to know that your joy has to be spread out to the world. You don’t have to go everywhere in the world to share your joy. You just have to send it out.

I sent you to emanate My love. How are you going to do it? When will you do it? Do it right now regardless of what you are doing. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, there is not yet enough love. Let there be more. You can be assured that everyone around you craves and needs more love, and they are waiting for you to get it going. So your major purpose is to give love no matter where and no matter what.

Yet, within that frame, there is a special lamp that is yours to light. You will find it, and your hand will turn on the switch, and this light of yours will brighten the world. You are very near that certain lamp of yours. Reach your hand out now.


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